This puppy surprised me by coming out first

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, May 2, 2024
Luck of the Irish eating real food first time.png
Luck of the Irish Eating real food for the First time!

To me, the Dire Wolf Project is a shiny light of peace and tranquility amidst a chaotic world.

Our American Dirus dogs ground me to nature and what is beautiful and good.

In the face of incredible loss, I can always turn to our devoted furry companions to guide me back to what is an unconditional, sacrificial love.

the sun shone through the eastern windows, when I woke from a needed deep slumber.

My mind thought immediately of the five waiting puppies from the Luck of the Irish litter.

I missed their sweet caresses and gentle licks when I was gone.

How they follow me around and want to be near, never minding what has been going on in my life.

They always bring me joy.

I got dressed and hurried out to the puppies for a great start to my day.

When I stepped into their cabin space, the puppies were gathered around the entrance like a snapping group of piranhas.

Momma Dreamer did not jump in with her puppies as she usually did.

(I didn’t blame her.)

These were all hints indicating that now Dreamer is weaning her babies, and the puppies are big enough to enjoy the expanded yard in front of their little cedar cabin space.

We let Dreamer out to go for a walk with Jay and Yeti.

Then, I made sure the expanded yard in front of the cedar cabin was ready for the puppies.

I set up a Coolaroo dog bed, the rainbow tunnel, the wobble board, their fluffy mammoth toy, a big bowl of food, and lots of clean water.

The puppies were so happy when I opened their space.

Surprisingly, Delaney came out first!

She was not afraid at all and wanted to be near me.

Good for her for being so brave!

Then Clover, Patrick, and Lucky Charms surrounded my legs waiting for pets.

Poor Dublin.

He wasn't quite sure it was okay to venture out on his own, so he stayed behind.

He whined about this new change for a few minutes until he saw all of the other puppies playing with their toys.

Once he decided the change up wasn't so bad, he came out for hugs and loves, too.

The puppies were so happy to find their bowl full of food.

They ate it all and wanted more!

As I watched the Luck of the Irish litter frolic and play in their new surroundings, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I can face them, guided by the love and companionship of my loyal canine friends.

They remind me of what truly matters in life – the love and connection we share with those closest to us.

If you want to be connected to the larger American Dirus dog community, and you have been approved for puppy adoption by the Dire Wolf Project, come join the member’s only owner’s group on Facebook.

You must friend me on Facebook first, send me a message telling me you want into the owner’s group and I will invite you in.

Here’s the link.

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.