What is a wolf dog?
By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Jan. 9, 2025
We all know that a “wolf dog” is any mix of wolf and dog, right?
One or both of the parents would have to be a wolf dog.
Or one parent would be have to be a wolf and the other a dog.
But that’s only true if you use common sense.
A county prosecutor is trying to prove in a monumental (yet largely ignored) court case that actual parentage doesn’t matter at all.
According to Assistant Prosecutor Margaret Scott representing Cuyahoga County, the only thing that matters is what a DNA test says.
And not just any DNA test, either.
Only the DNA test that she approves of.
And it’s NOT Embark.
This argument should
scare the bejeezus out of all of you!
Especially if she wins in court.
What’s that I hear over yonder?
“But I don’t own a wolf dog. Why should I care?” someone in the back of the room says under his breath.
Oh, you poor unfortunate soul!
Are you really going to just sit there and permit some obscure Cleveland court to determine future legal precedent (that will be used by EVERY prosecuting attorney in the country) on the only way to PROVE dog breed ancestry?
The stakes are extremely high.
And THIS court case (Cleveland v. March) will be the determining factor for legal dog breed identification moving forward.
There has only been ONE OTHER CASE in U.S. history where DNA for breed identification was required to determine the outcome of the case.
Co-op Board v. Sabrina Wolkoff (2021)
In this case, a co-op board in New York City required resident Sabrina Wolkoff to submit her dog's DNA for breed identification. The test revealed the dog was 91% American Staffordshire Terrier, a breed classified under the co-op's prohibited "pit bull" category.
Consequently, the board sought legal action to enforce the dog's removal, citing violations of house rules.
At that time, the DNA company was not a factor.
Court records indicate that the defendant's daughter conducted the DNA test.
Assistant Prosecutor Margaret Scott from Cuyahoga County will only allow her agents at Cleveland Animal Control to conduct the DNA test.
Only Wisdom Panel interpreted by IDEXX is currently being allowed into evidence.
Many American Dirus dogs look like wolf dogs.
That is one of the reasons why the Dire Wolf Project DNA tests every puppy born into the project.
To prove 100% domesticated dog ancestry.
But guess what?
Commercial wolf dog breeders are required to DNA test every single puppy born into their programs, too, as part of their license to breed. (depending on the state)
But in this court case, IT DOES NOT MATTER!
The assistant prosecutor is trying to argue that DNA evidence must follow a chain of command, just like a murder trial.
That only those with “authority” can handle the DNA collection.
Whose authority, you might ask?
Apparently, animal control… who works for the county prosecutor.
The defendant, DeCardo March, has had his own independent DNA test in hand since December 8th, 2024, but after 3 or 4 hearings later, he still is not allowed to use it.
In addition, Assistant Prosecutor Margaret Scott claims that a “cheek swab is not as accurate as a blood test.”
Since Embark’s DNA test is a cheek swab, she wants to invalidate its findings.
And all of this is LIFE OR DEATH for a black wolf dog named Briccs.
While the battle rages on in court, Briccs has been imprisoned in a 10’ x 15’ cement cell at animal control for over 420 days!
The outcome of this monumental trial not only determines how wolf look-a-like dog breeds will be treated in court, but also which DNA tests will be considered valid by the court and who can administer them.
Since his wolf dog, Briccs, was taken by Cleveland Animal Control in the fall of 2023, DeCardo March has lost his business and used everything he has to fight for his beloved companion.
He needs $1000 more to retain his own attorney who will fight for Briccs’ life and stop the prosecution from setting dangerous precedent on how dog breeds are legally identified in the future.
And who knows?
One day, it could be you sitting across from a county prosecutor defending your dog’s life.
Just like our sweet American Alsatian dog, Smokey, who was unfairly euthanized in 2018 by animal control without trial because a neighbor said he was a wolf dog.
Don’t let them win!
Please help DeCardo March retain a lawyer who can fight the system that is set up to kill his sweet Briccs.
Any amount will help.
Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs