Please note that we have recently updated our waitlist. If your name has been removed and you are still interested in adopting a puppy, please contact us, and we will honor your deposit date.

  • The official Dire Wolf Project waiting list houses ALL families that have placed their non-refundable $600 and are now waiting in line to purchase their very own DireWolf Dog.
  • Each entry listed below remains INACTIVE until such time as there is an officially confirmed litter.
  • Officially confirmed litters appear on this list 3 weeks before the due date.
  • You will have an icon next to your name for the officially confirmed litter(s) in which you are active.
  • You MUST contact us before the puppies are 4 weeks old if you want to switch your status to active for a confirmed litter.
  • When you go ACTIVE for a litter, you automatically AGREE to be placed on our daily email newsletter in order to receive regular updates about the litter.
  • Once you go active for a litter, failure to remain on our email newsletter before puppy purchase will negate your active status.
  • If you are on the MAIN WAITING LIST, you have TWO YEARS from your deposit date to choose a puppy. If you do NOT choose any of the available puppies during that time, you will forfeit your deposit and permanently lose your place on the waiting list.

If your name is BOLDED, it's your turn to choose your puppy!

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🎡Happy Days Litter

🌸Cherry Blossom Litter

πŸ””Early America Litter

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(You have two years from your deposit date to choose a puppy.)

  1. Caitlin V................................12-11-2020 (01-24-2025)πŸŒΈπŸŽ΅πŸ””
  2. Justin N................................10-16-2024 (01-20-2025)πŸŒΈπŸŽ΅πŸ””
  3. John Z..................................12-15-2024 (02/02/2025)
  4. Tamera M.............................12-19-2024 (01-23-2025)πŸ””

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Waiting on the Side

(Please contact us when you are ready to move to the MAIN WAITING LIST. )

  1. Christopher V.......................08-09-2012
  2. Victoria L..............................07-08-2015
  3. Karen N.................................12-11-2015
  4. Riley M..................................09-05-2017
  5. Alberto J................................12-27-2017
  6. Meghan Kil............................05-27-2018
  7. Shannon K.............................11-03-2018
  8. Karis R...................................12-07-2018
  9. Shona T.................................08-02-2019
  10. Darren L................................06-12-2020
  11. Tracy L..................................07-08-2020
  12. Kelley M................................07-23-2020
  13. Katie T...................................09-01-2020
  14. Brian F...................................12-11-2020 (2)
  15. Daniel R................................12-15-2020
  16. Lauren H...............................02-28-2021
  17. Hannah K.............................05-02-2021
  18. Meghan F..............................05-18-2021
  19. Dana/Tracey B.....................07-01-2021
  20. Dena/Kyler R........................07-06-2021
  21. Amanda Mc..........................10-08-2021
  22. Susan B................................10-24-2021
  23. Michele Renn.....................10-27-2021
  24. Sadie R.................................11-22-2021
  25. Fr. Tom.................................01-18-2022
  26. Kevin/Alexis W......................02-22-2022
  27. Beth W..................................02-23-2022
  28. Megan C................................11-03-2022
  29. Mollie P...................................02-01-2023
  30. Alyssa/Rick K........................02-26-2023
  31. Kevin G..................................09-19-2023
  32. Sanna M................................09-19-2023
  33. Sandra G................................11-27-2023
  34. Jim K.....................................05-02-2024
  35. Vanessa G.............................07-09-2024
  36. Dana F....................................08-01-2024
  37. Colleen L...............................10-02-2024
  38. Tiffany M...............................10-23-2024

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Replacement Puppy List

(Please contact us when you are ready for your puppy.)

  1. Susana P (deposit paid: 5/25/20)
  2. Heather A.
  3. Michelle St
  4. Monique B.
  5. Szymon S.*
  6. Genevieve V.