Please remember that the information listed below represents a network foundation for a new breed of dog which required a population of about 2467 dogs to be bred over a period of 36 years. Listed below are all of the instances of any known health issues in this breed (including the foundation and crossbred dogs) throughout those years. 

number of puppies born:

2024: 16; 2023: 27; 2022: 47; 2021: 71; 2020: 60; 2019: 65;  2018: 71;  2017: 81;  2016: 43;  2015: 48;  2014: 59

CODE: (SK) = Schwarz Kennels, (VA) = DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito

Breeding Ratio between Schwarz Kennels and DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito: 201 to 1.

Percent dogs bred per breeder over the lifetime of the breed:

Schwarz Kennels (SK): 90%;
DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito (VA): 10%

Blindness (0%)

~ No known instances

Deafness (0%)

~ No known instances

Degenerative Myelopathy/Nerve Disorders (0%)

~ No known instances

Cleft Palate (0%)

~ No known instances

Anal Sac Disorders (0%)

~ No known instances

Brain Disorders (0%)

~ No known instances

Limb Deformities (0%)

~ No known instances

Metabolic Enzyme Deficiency (0%)

~ No known instances

Cervical Spondylomyelopathy (Wobbler Syndrome) (0%)

~ No known instances

Copper Toxicosis

~In 2024 two males out of Chisel X Dreamer tested positive for Copper Toxicosis. We do not know how this will affect the breed at this time. We will continue to monitor the lines. (VA)

~In 2024 one male out of Chisel X Grace tested positive for Copper Toxicosis. We do not know how this will affect the breed at this time. We will continue to monitor the lines. (VA)

Nose/Muzzle Issues (0.04%) (last 10 years- 0%)

~ In 2011, one 6-month-old pup out of Zorro X World Premiere (F3) was diagnosed with wry mouth. This dog was spayed and never bred into the lines. World Premiere has been spayed and no puppies were kept to further her lines. (SK)

Diabetes (0.04%) (last 10 years- 0.17%)

~ In 2021, one 2 year old male out of Topper X Bambi (F3) was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes when blood glucose levels were found in excess in his blood along with copious amounts of ketones. This dog is now on regular doses of insulin given after each of his two meals a day. After insulin administration, this dog has returned to normal weight and no longer appears sick. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency - EPI (0.08%) (last 10 years- 0%)

~ In 2013, one 2 year old male out of Zorro X Nadine (F4) was diagnosed with EPI.  With enzyme treatment, he has returned to normal weight. This male was neutered and never bred. (VA) 

~ In 2012, one 2 year old female out of Zorro X MIssy (F3) was diagnosed with EPI.  With enzyme treatment, she has returned to normal weight. This female was neutered and never bred.  (SK)

Chronic Kidney Disease (0.08%) (last 10 years- 0.17%)

~ In 2022, one 6.5 year old female out of Champ X Voom (F3) died of chronic and degenerative kidney disease. The kidney damage was more prominent on the right side. This dog was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2013, one 2 year old female out of Zorro X Missy (F3) was diagnosed with kidney disease after being diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis. She was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~In 2023 2 and a half year old male out of Mulan/Susu was diagnosed as his left ureter being ectopic . He was never bred. (SK)

Severe Arthritis (0.12%) (last 10 years- 0.17%)

~ In 2023, one 4.5 year old male out of Harpo X Aspen (F2) developed osteoarthritis in one hip This dog was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2004, one 8 year old female out of Saba and Brat (F2) developed arthritis.  (SK)

~ In 2002, two pups out of the Urick/Vegas lines were reported to have arthritis. These puppies were never bred into the lines.  (SK)

Bloat and Gastric Torsion (0.12%) (last 10 years- 0.17%)

~ In 2020, one 4-month-old male out of Al X Q'Leanna (F2) experienced bloat symptoms after compulsively overeating dry kibble (Taste of the Wild High Prairie puppy formula). His symptoms did not include a stomach turn. His food consumption is now strictly monitored, and it is believed that his anxiety over food and his tendency toward overeating are the direct cause of his bloat. (SK)

~ In 2011, one 3-year-old female out of Beamer X Annie (F2) experienced a partial stomach turn, which involved bloat symptoms and an enlarged spleen. The reasons for the turn were never determined and it is believed that the enlarged spleen was the cause of the stomach turn. The spleen was removed and the stomach stapled. This female was spayed and never bred.  (SK)

~ In 2004, one 4-year-old male dog out of Vegas X Sooner (F5) was diagnosed with gastric torsion. This male was neutered and never bred.  (SK)

Elbow Dysplasia (0.12%) (last 10 years- 0.17%)

~ In 2015, one 11-month-old male pup out of Storm X Shadow (F2) was diagnosed with osteochondrosis in his right elbow. He required surgery to remove a large bone fragment from this area. This dog was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2007, one female pup out of Zorro X Carlitta (F7) had severe elbow dysplasia at 2 years old. This dog was spayed and never bred. Both parents were hip/elbow tested and received excellent scores. Nevertheless, the parents, Zorro and Carlitta, were never again bred together. (SK)

~ In 2002, one dog at the age of 6 years old out of Bach X Betty (F2) developed weak joints in the elbow. This dog was never bred. (SK)

Autoimmune Diseases (0.16%) (last 10 years- 0.52%)

~ In 2022, one 2-year-old male out of Mulan x Susu (F4) was diagnosed with a suspected autoimmune disease affecting his corneas. This dog was neutered and never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 2018, one 4-year-old female out of Hemi x Bonnie Lee (F2) was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This dog was spayed and never bred into the lines. (VA)

~ In 2015, one 1 year old male out of Woody X Nadine (F1) developed discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). This dog was neutered and never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 2013, one 3-year-old male out of Urick X Sooner (F5) developed discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). This dog was neutered and never bred into the lines. (SK)

Hip Dysplasia (0.16%) (last 10 years- 0.8%)

~ In 2019, one 1 year old male out of Boss X Vegas (F3) was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. NOTE: at 6 years old he was also diagnosed with cancer. He was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2018, one 4-year-old male dog out of Aslan X Gemma (F1) had bilateral hip replacement surgery. He acquired informal hip x-rays as an eight-month-old puppy, which showed a looseness in the hips at that time. He developed pain in his hips four years later, prompting the hip replacement. This dog was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2017, one 3-year-old male dog out of Storm X Shadow (F2) was diagnosed with hip issues from a local vet. This dog was neutered and never bred. This dog also showed elbow dysplasia in one leg requiring surgery. (VA)

~ In 2016, one 13-month-old male dog out of Huck X Sprinkle (F2) was diagnosed with moderate hip dysplasia by OFA. This dog was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2015, one 11-month-old male dog out of Storm X Blossom (F2) was diagnosed with hip dysplasia after a significant fall resulting in severe trauma to his joints. The diagnosing veterinarian stated this is a non-genetic form of hip dysplasia occurring as a result of the severe fall. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

Allergies (0.2%) (last 10 years- 0.7%)

~ In 2019, one 1 year old male out of Skipper X Anastasia (F4) showed various levels of antibody reaction to the following foods: chicken, salmon, lamb, and all grains. This male was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2017, one 1 year old male out of Merlin X Corona (F2) showed a high or very high level of antibody reaction to the following foods: quinoa, turkey. He showed low levels of reaction to: peanuts, wheat, lentils, white fish. His reaction showed serious inflammation on the skin around one eye, some redness around the nose, and itching behavior. This male was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2017, one 1 year old male out of Kerberos X Elwin (F1) showed a high or very high level of reaction with the following foods and environments: beef, wheat, pepper trees, Russian thistle, dust mites. He showed low levels of reaction to corn, potatoes, mulberry trees, black ants, dandelion, elm trees. He also showed hyperkeratosis on all four paws. This male was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2016, one 1 year old male out of Storm X Francis (F2) showed biting and licking behaviors as well as hair loss due to a wheat allergy. This male was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2011, one 1 year old male out of Jessie X Keno (F3) showed biting and licking behaviors due to a wheat allergy. This male was never bred. (SK) 

Eye Diseases (0.24%) (last 10 years- 1%)

~ In 2022, one 5-month-old female puppy out of Dragon X Candy (F4) was diagnosed with cherry eye. This dog was never bred into the lines. (VA)

~ In 2021, one 5-year-old female dog out of Rock X Flower (F3) was diagnosed with Pannus. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2020, one 2.5-year-old male dog out of Boss X Pearl (F3) was diagnosed with Pannus. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2018, one 4-year-old male dog out of Storm X Dollar (F2) was diagnosed with Pannus. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK) 

~ In 2017, one 2.5-year-old male dog out of Storm X Dollar (F2) was diagnosed with Keratoconjunctivis Sicca where he shows a thin film on the bottom of both eyes, redness, and weeping. He requires daily moisture gel for life and two types of prescription drops. This male was bred one time and one puppy was kept for breeding. We will continue to monitor the line for this issue. At this time, none of his puppies or grand puppies have shown any health issues of this kind. (SK)

~ In 2016, one 4-year-old male dog out of Zorro X Nadine (F4) developed a thin film on the bottom of both eyes, redness and weeping. This line has been discontinued. (VA)

~ in 2024 one 8-week-old male out of (Vlad X Jesse) developed entropain. It should correct itself one the puppies face develops. We will watch this puppy.

Skin disorders (0.26%) (last 10 years- 0.7%)

~ In 2019, one 2-year-old male out of Boss X Shenanigan (F2) developed canine vitiligo and lost pigmentation on his front lips, upper and lower. This dog was bred three times. We will be monitoring his puppies for any signs of this condition. (VA) 

~ In 2016, one 2-year-old male out of Manny X Nadine (F1) developed canine vitiligo and lost pigmentation on his front lips, upper and lower. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2016, one 2-year-old male out of Manny X Nadine (F1) developed canine vitiligo and progressively lost pigmentation on his nose, lips and eyes. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2014, one 2-year-old male out of Rainier X Autumn (F1) developed canine vitiligo and lost some pigmentation on his inside lips, upper and lower. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK) 

~ In 2013, one 1 year old male out of Lobo X Autumn (F4) developed canine vitiligo and lost pigmentation on his bottom lip. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 1990, one pup out of a third generation (F3) had acute dermatitis at 3-6 months of age.  No pups from that litter were ever bred to further the lines and the parents were never rebred.  (SK)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (0.24%) (last 10 years- 0.7%)

~ In 2019, one 7-year-old male out of Zorro X Nadine (F4) died after developing COPD like symptoms. This male was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2018, one 6-year-old male out of Zorro X Nadine (F4) developed COPD like symptoms. He died the same year after having a seizure and developing pneumonia. This male was never bred (SK)

~ In 2018, one 10-year-old male out of Beamer X Celeste (F7) developed COPD like symptoms. He died the same year. (SK)

~ In 2016, one 5-year-old male out of Zorro X Nadine (F4) developed COPD and was on steroid medication and antibiotics. He died of complications of the disease one year later. This male sired one litter, but no puppies were kept, and his line has ended. (SK)

~ In 2013, one 7-year-old male out of Sooner X developed COPD like symptoms. Steriods were recommended. He died the same year. (SK)

~ In 2013, one 11-year-old female out of Packer X Polly (F3) developed COPD and was on steroid medication during the summer months to help with the wheezing associated with the disease. She died of natural causes at one month shy of thirteen years old. (SK)

Muscle Disorders (0.29%) (last 10 years- 1.3%)

~In 2024, one 11-year- old male out of Autumn X Rainier (F1) developed Degenerative Myelopathy in his rear legs. This dog was never bred into the lines. (SK)

~In 2024, one 1-year-old male out of Essex X Narissa (F4) developed masticatory muscle myositis. Within 24-hours the muscles on the top of his skull faded away. He never indicated pain, was always able to chew, and otherwise seemed healthy. The vet prescribed an initial serious dosage of steroids (prednisone) to stop the muscle-wasting progression. This dog was neutered and never bred. The parents were never again bred together. This line is now ended. (VA)

~ In 2024, one 3-year-old female out of Mary X Essex (F4) developed Myotonia Congenita (Fainting Goat Syndrome). She faints went she gets excited. The vet also detected a heart murmur. She was spayed and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2019, one year old female out of Harpo X Shennara (F2) was diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis. This dog was spayed and never bred. The parents were never again bred together. (VA) 

~ In 2019, one 10-month-old female out of Skipper X Anastasia (F4) was diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis. This dog was neutered and never bred. The parents were never again bred together. (VA)

~ In 2018, one year and a half old female out of Grinch X Tina (F3) was diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis. This dog was neutered and never bred. (VA) 

~ In 2017, one year and a half old male out of Rock X Vegas (F3) was diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2015, one year and a half old male out of Lobo X Autumn (F4) was diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2011, one year old dog out of Zorro and X World Premiere (F3) was diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis. World Premiere was spayed and no puppies from her were kept to further her lines. (SK) 

~ In 2011, one 9-month-old female out of Zorro X Missy (F3) was diagnosed with masticatory muscle myositis.  At 2 years old, this female developed kidney failure due to her masticatory muscle myositis. This dog was spayed and never bred into the lines. (SK)

Cryptochidism (0.32%) (last 10 years- 1.7%)

~ In 2023, one male pup our of Black Dragon X Razar (F4) has one descended testicle. He was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2023, one male pup out of Monstro x Opal (Lab/Shepherd) (F1) has one descended testicle. He was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2022, one male pup out of Meriwether X Essex (F4) has one descended testicle. He was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2021, one male pup out of Naga X Anastasia (F4) has one descended testicle. He was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2019, one male pup out of Merlin X Toodles (F2) has one descended testicle. He was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2018, one male pup out of Fremont X Vegas (F3) has one descended testicle. He was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2016, one male pup out of Huck X Sprinkle (F2) had one descended testicle. He was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2016, one male pup out of Huck X Sprinkle (F2) had bilateral cryptochidism where both testicles did not descend. He was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2015, one male pup out of Storm X Blossom (F2) had bilateral cryptochidism where both testicles did not descend. He was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2014, one male pup out of Storm X Dollar (F2) had bilateral cryptochidism where both testicles did not descend. He was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2011, one male pup out of Zorro X Missy (F3) only had one descended testicle. He was neutered and never bred. (SK)

Heart Conditions (0.33%) (last 10 years- 1.4%)

~In 2024 one 6-year- old male out of Anastasia X Skipper developed Severe Dilated cardio myopathy. H e was put on meds. He had been neutered and was never bred. (VA)

~In 2024 one 18-month-old male out of Essex X Narissa (F4). After a series of collapsing episodes. an EKG was performed.  The tracing showed 3 to 5 abnormally shaped QRS complexes per minute. We never fully understood what happened before he passed away (VA)

~ In 2023, one 2-year-old male out of Naga X Susu (F4) showed a very faint heart murmur with very minor back flow. Both the vet and the cardiologist do not believe it will cause any longterm issues. This dog was never bred into the lines. (SK)

~In 2023 an 8.5-year-old second generation (F2) male out of Huck X Sprinkle was diagnosed with congenital congestive heart failure. Heart meds were given but it caused his kidneys to fail. This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2023, one 2-year-old fourth generation (F4) male out of Naga X Susu showed a very faint heart murmur with very minor back flow. Both the vet and the cardiologist do not believe it will cause any issues, but we want to note it in the database regardless. This dog was never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 2020, one 8-week-old fourth generation (F4) male puppy out of Triton X Shennara showed a faint innocent heart murmur that was shown through x-ray to be a tiny pinhole in the heart of the right side. This puppy was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2019, one 8-week-old second generation (F2) female puppy out of Merlin X Toodles showed a faint innocent heart murmur on the right side that went away completely by 3 months of age. This puppy was never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 2015, one 8-week-old second generation (F2) female puppy out of Huck X Sprinkle showed a very faint innocent heart murmur, which did not affect her physically. All signs of the murmur went away completely by 2 months old. This puppy was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2014, one 7-week-old second generation (F2) male puppy out of Shadow X Storm showed a very faint innocent heart murmur, more prominent on the right side, which never affected him in the least. All signs of the murmur went away completely by 2 months old. This puppy was never bred into the lines. (VA)

~ In 2013, one 2-month-old first generation (F1) male puppy out of Nadine X Rainier (Alaskan Malamute) showed a very faint innocent heart murmur, more prominent on the right side, which never affected him in the least. All signs of the murmur went away completely by 4 months. This puppy was never bred into the lines. (VA)

~ In 2010, one 6-month-old puppy out of Keno X Missy (F3) died of complications due to an enlarged heart. (SK) 

Urinal Problems (0.37%) (last 10 years- 1%)

~ In 2022, one 2.5-year-old male out of Mulan X Susu (F4) had a weak bladder sphincter causing him to consistently dribble urine. This puppy was placed on Proin, which helped, but after he was neutered, his dribbling issue got worse. The vets are now wanting to place him on a testosterone time-release-delay injection. It was later found that he had an ectopic ureter on the left side causing his dribbling issues. This dog was neutered and never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 2022, one 4-month-old female out of Warleggan X Neera (F2) had an ectopic ureter and a narrowing of the ureter from the kidney. This puppy also had a loose bladder sphincter. Her kidney values were good. She had surgery to correct the issue and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2021, one 5-month-old male out of Kodiak X Razar (F5) had an ectopic ureter on the left side causing kidney blockage. This puppy had surgery to correct the issues, was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2018, one 3-month-old female out of Boss X Elwin (F1) has experienced a resistant UTI infection. (SK)

~ In 2018, one 7-month-old female out of Grinch X Tina (F3) has experienced a resistant UTI infection. (VA)

~ In 2017, one 1.5-year-old female out of Champ X Voom (F3) has now experienced three urinary tract infections. It was eventually determined that she has a recessed vulva. Surgery was successfully performed to correct the abnormality. (SK)

~ In 2012, one 4-month-old female pup out of Zorro X Nadine (F4) had ectopic ureters on both sides. She constantly and uncontrollably dribbled urine. The pup had surgery to correct the problem, was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2009, one male pup out of Beamer X Annie (F2) developed sheath problems at 9 months old and was unable to retract into the prepuce. He was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2003, one 11-year-old dog (F3) was reported to have a weak bladder that resulted in incontinence. This dog was never bred. (SK)

Birth Defects (0.45%) (last 10 years- 1.9%)

~ In 2022, one 7 month old female puppy out of Tsar X Florin (F4) was put down due to complications of bilateral renal dysplasia. This puppy first showed recurrent persistent UTIs and excessive drinking. She required continueal aggressive antibiotic treatments, increasing in severity. Once the UTI was under control, which took over five months, her excessive drinking continued, so an ultrasound was performed, which showed significant kidney underdevelopment on both sides. This dog was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2021, one 6 month old female puppy out of Mulan X Q'Leanna (F2) died of complications due to bilateral renal dysplasia. This diagnosis was made first with a blood test and then confirmed through ultrasound. Both kidneys were affected in size and shape. This dog was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2021, one puppy out of Stanley X Cotton Candy (F4) showed a crooked tail at the base where the tail meets the spine. This puppy was normal in all other ways. This puppy was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2020, one 7 month old puppy (Yukon/Anastasia) was found to have a non-functioning kidney and the attached ureter was dilated three times its normal size. The kidney was successfully removed and the dog is doing well. This dog was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2019, four 4 month old females out of Buck X Sela (F4) initially showed high BUN and creatinine levels on a full blood panel test. UTI infections were found in all four puppies. Three puppies continued to show high BUN and creatinine levels after the UTI infections had been eliminated, thus they also completed an ultrasound which confirmed abnormal kidney size and development as well as bilateral ectopic ureters. Two of the puppies showed ineffective underdeveloped kidneys and had to be put down. The other two puppies are under further investigation. All other puppies from this litter have been blood tested, including the parents, with no other puppies or parents showing any abnormal blood test results. One puppy from this litter with no symptoms was kept for breeding. The parents were never again bred. (SK)

~ In 2018, one female pup out of Boss X Minerva (F2) looks to have been born with undersized kidneys. The dog grew normally other than her kidneys. She is expected to have a shorter than average lifespan. This dog was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2018, one male pup out of Fremont X Vegas (F3) was born with only one kidney. The dog grew normally and is healthy otherwise. This dog was never bred. (SK) 

~ In 2014, one female pup out of Lobo X Princess (F1) was born with an exposed heart as the ribs and skin on its chest were underdeveloped. This pup died shortly after birth. (SK)

~In 2023 one 2 1/2-year-old female out of Stanley X Candy F4 was diagnosed. with early stage 2 juvenile renal dysplasia. She was spayed and never bred. (VA)

Epilepsy or Seizures (0.53%) (last 10 years- 0.34%)

~In 2024 one 3.5- year-old out of Stanley X Candy had an isolated seizure after being given flea medication. The family is looking into the cause. She was spayed and never bred. This year it was found to be Epilepsy. She is on keppra after a failed trial of controlling the seizures only with keto diet. (VA)

~ In 2020, one 5.5-year-old male out of Hammer X River (F2) experienced one small seizure lasting one minute in length. This was an isolated incident. This male was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2019, one 4-year-old female out of Hemi X Bonnie Lee (F2) was diagnosed with epilepsy. She was kept intact throughout her life, but never bred. This female also developed hypothyroidism at 4 years old. (VA)

~ In 2011, one 2-year-old male out of Keno X Annie (F2) was diagnosed with epilepsy. He was neutered and has never bred. (SK)

~ In 2009, one 4-month-old female pup out of Beamer X Ida Mae (F2) had seizures for one week immediately following a rabies shot. This puppy has not had any seizures since and is not currently on any medication. This puppy was never bred and is spayed. (SK)

~ In 2008, one male pup out of Packer X Rowanda (F5) was shown to have epileptic seizures at eight years old.

~ In 2004, one first generation (F1) female pup out of Sam (Great Pyrenees mix) X Sooner was diagnosed with epilepsy. This pup was spayed and never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 2003, 4 out of 8 pups in the litter out of Trucker X Trixy (F5) had seizures. One of those pups died suddenly and the autopsy report found no indication of any trauma or genetic problems. Both Trucker and Trixy were spayed and never bred again. All 4 puppies were neutered and never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 2001, one male pup out of Packer X Ricotta (F5) had seizures. This pup was never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 1999, Hoss, the first male mixed pup (F1) bred from purebred German Shepherd Dog and Malamute had seizures at the age of 11 years old. (SK)

~ In 1992, Omo Von Der Dodo SCHIII, one of the foundation stock German Shepherd dogs from Germany, experienced daily seizures until it subsided considerably without medication after taking the dog out of the intensive schutzhund training environment. No pups out of this male were ever shown to have epilepsy, seizures, or tremors for any length of time. (SK)

Panosteitis (0.53%) (last 10 years- 1.7%)

~In 2024, one 5-month-old female out of Cookie Monster X Jesse developed Panostetis (VA)

~In 2024, one 7-month-old out of Chisel X Dreamer developed Panosteitis. (VA)

~ In 2024, one 10-month-old male out of Cookie Monster X Jesse developed Panosteitis. (VA)

~In 2024 one 7-month- old male out of Chisel X Dreamer developed Panosteitis (VA)

~ In 2021, one 9-month-old female out of Kodiak X Razar (F5) limped on her front left leg on and off for 6 weeks. The limping did not appear to shift to the back and was mild in nature. (VA)

~ In 2021, one female out of Sela X Buck (F3) was diagnosed with Panosteitis. She began limping at 24 months old and the case was mild in nature. (SK) 

~ In 2020, one female out of Topper X Bambi (F4) was diagnosed with Panosteitis. She began limping at one year old. (SK)

~ In 2019, one female puppy out of Buck X Ashley (F4) was diagnosed with Panosteitis. She began limping on and off at 7 months. She was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2019, one male puppy out of Capone X Belatrix (F2) was diagnosed with severe Panosteitis. He limped on and off from 4 months to 16 months. He was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2018, one male puppy out of Quentin X Saigon (F2) was diagnosed with mild Panosteitis at 6 months. He limped occassionally from 6 to 12 months. He was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2018, one female puppy out of Fremont X Vegas (F3) was diagnosed with Panosteitis at 8 months old. She was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2017, one female puppy out of Rock X Flower (F3) showed mild limping at varying times from 8 to 11 months old. (SK)

~ In 2017, one male puppy out of Rock X Flower (F3) showed mild limping at varying times from 8 to 11 months old. (SK)

~ In 2016, one female puppy out of Finnegan X Black Swan (F2) was diagnosed with Panosteitis at 4 months old. She was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2012, one female out of Zorro X Luna (F3) was diagnosed with mild Panosteitis in her right front leg at 14 months old. The limping symptoms lasted for 1 week. She has been spayed and has never been bred. (SK)

~ In 2004, one female out of Zorro X Sooner (F5) showed mild limping at varying times at 5-8 months old. This female was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 1994, one male pup showed very mild limping for approximately one week at 5 months old. This male was neutered and never bred. (SK)

Tumors/Cancer (0.53%) (last 10 years- 2.2%)

~In 2024 one male out of Hammer X Blossom was diagnosed with a masocytoma, a type of malignant white blood cell cancer that shows as a tumor on his right flank .This dog was never bred (SK)

~In 2024 one 10-year-old out of Dollar X Storm developed intestinal cancer. She was never bred into the lines (SK)

~In 2024 one 6-year-old female out of Harpo X Shennara developed cancer in her intestinal, Lymphoma. She was never bred into the lines. (VA)

~In 2024 One 8-year-old out of Presley X Skye developed cancer. Initial bloodwork showed very low platelets and it seemed that the bruising was spreading all over her body(her mouth, head, eye, and abdomen.  After a second round of bloodwork on Thursday, which showed no platelets and a drastic reduction in red blood cells, the decision was made to try hospitalization and a blood transfusion.  In the last ultrasound they found two mass-like structures in her intestines and there was blood in her stool. She did not survive. (VA)

~ In 2024, one 6-year-old out of Boss X Vegas developed cancer. (F3) NOTE: at one year old he also developed hip dysplasia. He was never bred. (SK)

~In 2023, one 8-year-old male out of Hammer X Blossom (F2), diagnosed with highly aggressive osteosarcoma of the left distal radius (elbow on the front left leg) and was put down. This dog produced 6 litters for the breed for a total of 38 puppies. This line continues and will be monitored for continuing incidences of this conditions. All owners of dogs coming from this line are advice of the development and asked to contact us should they experience symptoms of the same nature. (SK)

~In 2023, one 6.5-year-old male out of Presley X Skye (F3) tested positive for hemangiosarcoma affecting the bone in his right hind leg. It is a highly aggressive type of cancer. In order to stop the cancer from progressing, his limb was amputated. This male was never bred into the breed. (SK)

~ In 2023, one 6.5-year-old male out of Presley X Skye (F3) was found to have a malignant tumor near his anal glands called anal sac adenocarcinoma. It is a highly aggressive type of cancer. This male was bred into the breed. He sired one litter in which one male was kept named Skipper. This line continues and will be monitored for this condition. All owners of dogs coming from this line are advised of the development and asked to contact us should they experience symptoms of the same nature. (SK)

~ In 2023, one 10-year-old female out of Tank X Francis (F1) was found to have a huge cancerous mass in her chest cavity. Her symptoms came on very quickly. The mass was never biopsied to determine what kind of cancer it was. She passed away shortly afterwards. She was spayed and never bred into the lines. (SK)

~ In 2020, one 1.5-year-old female out of Capone X Belatrix (F2) was diagnosed with Acute Leukemia and was put down. She was spayed and never bred. (SK) 

~ In 2020, one 8-year-old female out of Bear (German Shepherd Dog) X Nadine (F1) developed multiple tumors throughout her internal organs. She passed from internal bleeding. It is currently unknown if the tumors were cancerous. (SK)

~ In 2019, one 8-year-old male out of Bear (German Shepherd Dog) X Nadine (F1) was diagnosed with cancer.  This dog was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2019, one 6-year-old female out of Tank (Great Pyrenees) X Francis (F1) developed a tumor in her nose that obstructed her breathing and frequently bled. The tissue has been extracted and is under review to determine if it is cancerous. More information will be updated as it is available. (SK)

~ In 2017, one 7-year-old male out of Zorro X World Premiere (F3) developed a small growth on his back right leg, which was found to be benign. (SK)

~ In 2016, one 10-year-old female out of Zorro X Sooner (F5) was diagnosed with cancer. This dog produced many litters for the breed. (SK)

~ In 2016, one 9-year-old female out of Beamer X Annie (F2) developed a small growth on her back left leg, which was found to be benign. (SK)

~ In 2015, one 9-year-old female out of Zorro X Winnetka (F6) was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She was spayed and never bred. (SK) 

~ In 2010, one 10-year-old male out of Bach X Betty Boop (F2) was diagnosed with Myelofibrosis, a form of leukemia. He was spayed and never bred. (SK)

Hypothyroidism (1%) (last 10 years- 4.8%)

~In 2025 one 3-year-old out of Essex X Ashley's Rae-gal von Buck developed Hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (VA)

~In 2024 one 5-year- old out of Q'Leanna- Saigon's Q Leanna Von Q Ball X Al-Bambi's Blade von Capone developed Hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (SK)

~In 2024 one 3-year- old out of Razar X Tudor developed Hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (VA)

~In 2024 one 2-year-old male out of Meriwether X Essex developed Hypothyroidism. This dog was bred twice. (VA)

~In 2024 one 2.5-year-old out of Tsar X Florin (F4) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~In 2024 one 2.5-year-old female out of Essex X Meriwether (F4) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2023, one 3-year-old pup out of Draygo X Kip (F3) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2023, one 1.5-year-old male out of Naga X Anastasia (F4) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was bred once. One female puppy was kept for breeding. (SK)

~ In 2023, one 3.5-year-old female out of Topper X Bambi (F2) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2023, one 1 year old female out of Dragon X Razar (F4 ) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was bred once. One puppy from the Dock of the Bay litter was kept in the lines for trial mating to begin the process of eliminating hypothyroidism from the breed. (VA)

~ In 2023, one 4.5-year-old female out of Harpo X Aspen (F2) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred This dog was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~In 2023, one 4.5-year-old male out of Harpo X Aspen (F2) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was neutered and was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2022, one 1 year old male out of Tudor X Razar (F3) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2022, one 4-year-old female out of Boss X Elwin (F1) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was spayed and never bred. (SK) (This female also has Pica, see curiosities below.)

~ In 2022, one 4-year-old male out of Grinch X Shennara (F3) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2022, one 2-year-old male out of Lonestar X Anastasia (F4) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was never bred. (SK)

~ In 2021, one 3.5-year-old female out of Harpo X Shennara (F2) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2020, one 5-year-old female out of Rock X Flower (F2) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2020, one 3-year-old male out of Kerberos X Elwin (F1) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2020, one 2.5 -year-old female out of Boss X Pearl (F2) Hypothyroidism. Her TT4 levels were so low they did not register on the scale. She was bred once. None of her puppies were kept for breeding and this line has ended. (SK)

~In 2020, one 8-year-old out of (Rainier/Nadine) developed hypothyroidism.

~ In 2019, one 2.5-year-old female out of Merlin X Lady Igraine (F2) developed hypothyroidism. She was bred twice with only one male offspring kept from her litters for further breeding. We will be monitoring this line closely for further symptoms of this disease. Two males out of this litter developed hypothyroidism as well. (VA) 

~ In 2019, one 4-year-old female out of Hammer X Blossom (F2) developed hypothyroidism. This dog was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2019, one 3.5-year-old male out of Hammer X River (F2) developed hypothyroidism. He sired four litters for the breed, but only one male offspring was kept to further this line. We will be monitoring this line closely for symptoms of this disease. (SK) 

~ In 2019, one 4-year-old female out of Hemi X Bonnie Lee (F2) developed hypothyroidism. She was kept intact throughout her life, but never bred. This dog also developed seizures at this same time. (VA)

~ In 2018, one 4-year-old female out of Storm X Blossom (F2) developed hypothyroidism. She was bred one time and two puppies were kept for futher breeding. (SK)

~ In 2017, one 3-year-old female out of Storm X Shadow (F2) developed hypothyroidism. This same dog also showed some kidney malfunction after an infection, which was cleared up with medication. She is spayed and was never bred. (VA)

~ In 2017, one 2.5-year-old female out of Hemi X Bonnie Lee (F2) developed hypothyroidism. She was spayed and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2016, one 1 year old male out of Hammer X Blossom (F2) developed hypothyroidism. He was neutered and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2016, one 2.5-year-old male out of Aslan X Gemma (F2) developed hypothyroidism. He was neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2016, one 2.5-year-old female out of Lobo X Summer Rain (F2) developed hypothyroidism.  She had one litter and one pup was kept for breeding. At this time, none of the pups from this female's litter have shown any health issues. (SK)

~ In 2015, one 3-year-old male out of Zorro X Nadine (F4) developed hypothyroidism. He produced one litter in which all three of his puppies were neutered and never bred. (VA)

~ In 2015, one 2-year-old female out of Lobo X Autumn (F4) developed hypothyroidism.  She was spayed and never bred. (SK)

~ In 2013, one 3-year-old female out of Zorro X Missy (F3) developed hypothyroidism. She produced three litters in which two dogs were kept for breeding. Both dogs did not develop this condition, but a granddaughter has been diagnosed with the condition. (SK)

Curiosities (0.16%) (last 10 years- 0.4%)

~In 2024, one 5.5-year-old female out of TopperXSaigon died curiously from liver failure. (SK)

~ In 2017, one female out of Boss X Elwin (F1) developed Pica, a tendency to swallow anything. Throughout her life, she has to be constantly monitored when out or put away when she is not able to be watched.

~ In 2017, one eight-year-old female out of Beamer X Annie (F2) suddenly laid down on the ground while on a walk and did not get up. She died shortly thereafter. Cause of death is unknown. (SK)

~ In 2015, one female out of Lobo X Summer Rain (F2) had a small more closed in pocket on one of her uterine horns. She was not able to give birth naturally. One of her female offspring was bred with no issues with a constricted uterine horn. We will continue to monitor this line. (SK)

~ In 2011, one female pup out of Zorro X Luna (F4) was shown to have extra penal tissue near her uterus during a routine spay. (SK)  

~ In 2009, one female pup was shown to have extra penal tissue near her uterus during a routine spay. (SK)

Overall negative health percentage for all health issues, genetic or otherwise, reported to have occurred within the breed since its inception, including all foundation stock and crossbreed dogs, is currently 5.6%. 

12% (F1)

42% (F2) 

21% (F3) 

15% (F4) 

06% (F5) 

01% (F6)

03% (F7)