A puppy that asks first

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, July 22, 2024
Monster Movie - Creature - 6 weeks old - standing on step
Creature from Movie Monster Litter at 6 weeks old

The Monster Movie puppies played all around me as I sat in the camp chair just outside our motor coach.

They frolicked to and fro, chasing each other through the tunnel.

Except for Creature.

He sat in the shade near the water bucket and watched.

Whenever one of the other puppies came bounding over to him, he would engage in a casual exchange, ever so gently.

Nothing ever seems to rattle that boy!

As I shared in the joy of puppy heaven, I experienced the unsettling feeling of being watched.

Then, I felt the soft pressure of two puppy paws on my leg, as delicate as a butterfly landing on a newly unfurled fern leaf.

It wasn’t the sort of pressure you might receive from the bounding, energetic bobbing of a desperate puppy pleading for attention.

Instead, it felt like the gentle touch of a wooly mammoth’s trunk caressing its newborn for the first time.

I looked down.

Rodan’s glossy amber eyes looked softly into mine, his head in a respectful bow.

Now, if you saw Rodan, you’d swear he was a German Shepherd puppy.

He’s a gold sable with a short coat that shimmers like spun golden thread.

But he is nothing like an energetic working German Shepherd puppy vying for human attention.

Rodan is the kindest, gentlest soul you’ve ever met.

As I sat there, his tail wagged slowly.


My heart melted.

He didn’t bark or jump.

He didn’t wiggle or twirl.

He didn’t claw or scratch.


Rodan, in his infinite wisdom, asked with a sincerity that could make even the toughest heart melt,

“Please be with me?”

I couldn’t resist.

As I lifted him, he nestled into my arms.

His tiny body radiated warmth and contentment.

He snuggled close, his head resting on my lap.

I could feel his little heart beating a slow, peaceful rhythm as I pet his chest.

Who would’ve thought that a puppy that looks like he could chase away intruders would be so charming?

Rodan closed his eyes and drifted into peaceful bliss.

My mind cleared away the frustration and turmoil I felt throughout this last week.

It was one of those moments that makes you realize how much love such an innocent creature can bring into your life.

Rodan, my little bundle of love.

He’s growing up to be the most beloved puppy, spreading happiness and sweetness wherever he goes.

It’s a reminder that sometimes, the fiercest-looking creatures have the softest hearts.

If he wasn’t so small and had a longer coat, he would not be for sale. His temperament makes up for his outward appearance flaws in spades.

Rodan and two of his siblings are looking for their forever homes.

If you feel your family has that special something it takes to bond with a large breed family companion dog, then reply to this email and we’ll discuss the available options for your family.


New pictures of the Monster Movie litter puppies are up… enjoy!


Movie Monday

The newest YouTube video is out now featuring the newest adventures from the Monster Movie Litter:


Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.