All the Treats and Plenty of Love

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Aug. 25, 2023
Nikola Tesla - 3 weeks old - 2.jpeg

A new American Dirus family is training their puppy right!

Here is how they describe everything they are doing to make sure their puppy has all the right training experiences:

“I just wanted to give you an update on Fenrir (we call him Fen, previously Tesla from the Genius Litter). We absolutely adore him. He has been the perfect puppy for us. ____ has been able to be home with him during the days while I am at work. We have a private trainer that comes over on Monday’s and puppy kindergarten on Tuesdays. Both rely solely on confidence building training. He gets all the treats and plenty of love. On the weekends, we take him to the lake. He is starting to get a little more brave with the water, but is a bit shy with swimming yet. He seems to love the lake life and sleeps extremely well at night on the days where we go to the lake. We pretty much take him everywhere we go, even in the evening.

Which mostly consists of drive-through for a supper pick up; we did take him to his first patio restaurant where he did a great job and got a lot of love from the tables around us. We don’t want to overwhelm him too much so we are taking it slow. We are trying to desensitize him to anything that may be scary to prevent him from having anxiety. So far he has been excellent. ____ and I would like to say thank you for bringing him into our lives! I have attached a few pictures of him recently. He is a whopping 44 pounds and climbing!”

Did you catch all that?

Here’s a list of everything they are doing to support their new puppy’s training requirements:

  1. Private trainer every Monday (~$250/hour)
  2. Puppy kindergarten every Tuesday (~$225/6weeks)
  3. Home during the day to take care of puppy (owner time)
  4. Take puppy everywhere, even to pick up or go out to dinner (owner time)
  5. Go to lake on weekends for swimming lessons (owner time)

Well done!

There is so much more they will want to do to support a well-mannered, compliant puppy, but so far they are on the right track.

If you question whether you have the ability to train your own puppy in a way that will honor a respectful relationship based on mutual trust, then we have the answer for you.

We have four females slated to be the first of their kind to go through the new DireWolf Guardians Companion Dog Training Program beginning THIS SATURDAY!

The three beautiful females we have remaining with us from the Genius Litter (Essex/Regina) and the smart, but slightly excitable female, Maggie from the Mr. Rogers Litter (Essex/Meriwether) will start us off.

We will be producing regular training video updates of the progress on our YouTube channel.

You’ll want to subscribe to watch the girls go from non-human speakers to fully fluent in human.

At the same time, we will be creating a comprehensive video course called

“Canine Culture Shock”

and accompanying training book (same title) along the way.

The course won’t be immediately available.

(We have to develop it from the footage we take training these girls this fall.)

“Canine Culture Shock”, the course and accompanying book, will come out later as a separate option for those of you who want to train on your own.

As if that wasn’t enough…

each fully-trained American Dirus dog will receive the prestigious Winged Wolf award and be counted among the many certified DireWolf Guardians.

Exciting, right?!

I can’t wait to get started.

Find out more about the particulars at the link below:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.