An Enchanting Autumn Stroll

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Oct. 9, 2023
Mary hoping for some pets
Mary hoping for some pets and a forever home.

In the heart of eastern Washington state, where Ponderosa forests stretched as far as the eye could see, Mary, a two and a half-year-old black/silver American Dirus dog from the Dire Wolf Project, embarked with me on an enchanting autumn stroll. Mary was a sight to behold, a combination of stellar beauty and a calm, gentle demeanor.

On that warm, sun-drenched autumn day, Mary and I decided to take a leisurely walk down a quiet forest lane. The pine needles crunched beneath our feet as we set off together, side by side. Mary led the way, her keen senses attuned to the rich tapestry of scents that painted the forest.

As we strolled, Mary read the news of the day with every sniff, her nose unearthing secrets hidden among the trees. The forest spoke to her in scents—a myriad of stories told in earthy, woody aromas, from the lingering presence of a passing fox to the crisp, sweet scent of pine needles. With every inhalation, Mary unraveled the mysteries of the forest, one scent at a time.

Mary's unwavering loyalty made my heart happy. She stayed right by my side as we wandered, her company a testament to her nature as a perfect camping or backpacking companion. Her high-shedding coat, a marvel of nature, always working tirelessly to stay clean, casting off smells, particles, debris, dander, and oils picked up from our surroundings.

In the autumn, Mary's coat is at its finest. Thick and luxurious, it forms a downy barrier against the crisp air, keeping her warm and snug. But it isn’t just her coat's practicality that reminds me about why I love this breed—it is the natural sheen that graces her lovely fluffy mane and tail, a testament to her vibrant health.

Our walk eventually led us to a quaint metal bench tucked away amidst the trees. The moment I sat down, Mary knew it was snuggle time. She came over, her gentle eyes filled with affection, and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her furry frame. She leaned into my embrace, reveling in the simple joy of our togetherness.

Mary is an affectionate soul, always asking for more petsin the gentlest manner. Sometimes, she places a paw on my knee, a polite yet insistent reminder that the pets shouldn't end. Her longing for human connection is palpable, and I was more than happy to oblige.

We sat on that bench, snuggled up and lost in the serenity of the forest, for what felt like hours. Mary is a snuggler, and she cherishes these moments as much as I do. Her unwavering companionship is a gift, one that warms my heart as much as her fluffy coat warms her.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows through the trees, it was time to make our way back. Mary, ever the compliant and willing partner, walked by my side as we returned to the kennels. She knew our forest adventure had come to an end, but I could tell that the memories of our autumn stroll would linger in both our hearts. Mary is not just a beautiful dog; she is a beloved friend, and our bond grows stronger with each passing day.

Mary is looking for her forever home. She longs for a family with a gentle heart, calm and loving. She can live with respectful children, other dogs, and cats. She prefers a family that loves to snuggle on the couch and go for walks in the forests. Mary is aloof to strangers and needs a little time to feel comfortable enough for them to pet her. Mary is not afraid and has had many experiences in towns.

Here’s the link to learn more about her:

If you are interested in Mary, simply reply to this email and let me know.

Thanks for spending time with me today, Jody-Lynn.

It’s always wonderful to be with you.

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.