Autumn puppies are on the way!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Aug. 8, 2023
Albreta - adult9
The beautiful Albreta will be giving birth soon

I'm thrilled to share some incredibly exciting news with you!

I’ve just updated our website with a fresh collection of captivating pictures featuring our magnificent American Dirus dogs at the Dire Wolf Project headquarters. These new photos beautifully capture the essence and beauty of our extraordinary companions, showcasing their distinctive personalities and unique traits.

Let me take you behind the scenes of this wonderful day.

It’s quite a fun challenge trying to capture the very essence of our beloved DireWolf Dogs. After the morning summer rain, I walked to the dog cabins. All of the dogs get excited when their favorite human drops by.

I stopped at the back of the middle cabin and opened the gate.

Normally, I say “no” when I want the dogs to understand that they can’t come out right now. They all know to back up out of my way so that I can come in and clean when I say “no” like that. But this time I didn’t say “no”. Instead, I gave them the release command, “yes”. Cookie Monster and his girls, Syrenka, Jengu, and Albreta, hesitated only for a split second after hearing the signal. Their mouths opened and out rolled those long tongues of theirs. Then they each ran out with happy abandon, taunting the other dogs as they flew by the other pens toward the open forest beyond.

Together, we roamed the incredible Ponderosa forests of eastern Washington State, and let me tell you, it was an experience to remember.

The sight of these stunning creatures against the backdrop of nature truly brings to life the spirit of their ancestors, the prehistoric dire wolf.

Each photo took care and patience, aiming to seize that magical moment when each dog's grace and character shone with that radiant charism.

My goal was to ensure that these images not only highlight our dogs’ physical attributes but also manage to capture the very spirit and gentleness that sets our American Dirus dogs apart.

As you delve into the updated pictures on our website, you'll be captivated by the regal stance, the sparkle in their eyes, and the sweet personalities that radiate from each dog.

Whether they're exploring the forest or simply gazing into the horizon, these images provide a window into the world of our loyal and truly captivating companions.

Visit our website and immerse yourself in the gallery showcasing our extraordinary American Dirus dogs.

Feel the excitement, connection, and bond that we share with these souls as they revel in the natural beauty of their surroundings.

These pictures serve as a testament to the unwavering love, dedicated care, and heartfelt devotion that we pour into every facet of the Dire Wolf Project.

I want to express my deep gratitude for your ongoing support and enthusiasm for our mission.

Our commitment remains steadfast in safeguarding the legacy of the prehistoric dire wolf while fostering the profound connection between humans and our remarkable American Dirus dogs.

P.S. The Iditarod Litter has been OFFICIALLY confirmed! If you are on our waiting list and would like to be considered for a puppy from this litter, reply to this email and let us know.

Here is the link to more information about the Iditarod Litter:

P.P.S. The jury’s still out on the Celestial Beings litter. I am not able to know for sure at this time. But we will keep a close eye on Clementine this week to observe any growing signs of pregnancy. I will let you know as soon as I know.

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs. 
