I can't support the Dire Wolf Project. I hate dog breeders

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Feb. 26, 2024

The other day, on one of my YouTube videos, someone wrote, “Are you a dog breeder? If so, I can’t support this channel. I hate dog breeders. I only support rescues.”

Oh… okay. No problem.

Here. Let me help you with the door.

Too bad she made such a rash decision about us and left.

If she had cared to stick around, she would have learned that while we are dog breeders, we are nothing like any other dog breeder in the world.

We take care of each and every stranded dog in our breed.

To my knowledge, only one DireWolf Dog has ever actually found himself in the pound.

Our owner community immediately banned together.

I dropped everything and drove across the country.

And together, we busted him out and brought him back into the loving arms of a welcoming family THE NEXT DAY!

Now that’s NOT your average dog breeder.

But… she’ll never know.

She’ll also never know how devoted we are to our retired adult dogs, either.

Even though they are spayed/neutered and it costs money, time, and space to house them here at Dire Wolf Project headquarters, we refuse to treat them any less than they deserve.

Until they find themselves a good home where they can finally wrap their furry paws around a grateful loving family, we will give them all the love they could want right here.

It does take a lot of resources to be a DireWolf Dog rescue, though.

If you can’t see yourself adopting an older retired American Dirus dog, perhaps you would consider helping us give them the best home.

Any extra funds you could send our way would be appreciated.

Here are the instructions on how to send in a tax deductible donation to sponsor a waiting retired adult dog:


Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.