NINETY-FIVE people on the waiting list!?!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Nov. 21, 2023
Cat with Puppies
Puppies with their cat Hobbes

NINETY-FIVE people on the waiting list!?!

Holy heck… that seems like a LOT of people.

If you were looking for a puppy from us, you might be inclined to do a little high school math in your head.

95 families - (~6 puppies * 3 litters) / year = NO PUPPY ANYTIME SOON!

That’s exactly what one woman felt like when she unsubscribed from our list this morning.

Wait list too long” she wrote… and off she went.

Too bad she didn’t speak with me first.

The waiting list only LOOKS long.

The truth is… everyone is INACTIVE on the waiting list until we have a confirmed litter.

Only those waiting families who wish to “go active” on the waiting list are eligible for a puppy from any upcoming confirmed litter.

That’s a WHOLE lot different than 95 families.

In fact, if current trends are correct, we have had around 3-4 families go active for each litter this year 2023.

3-4 families with an average litter size of ~6 puppies means some puppies are leftover… and that’s exactly what we’ve seen this year.

We currently have puppies for sale OFF the waiting list.

That hardly ever happens.

But this year things are different.

Even with NINETY-FIVE families on the waiting list.

It just means it isn’t the right time and those families wish to remain inactive for now.

You can check the status of the waiting list at any time.

Here’s the link:


If you would like to join the waiting list, the first step is to complete the puppy adoption questionnaire and be approved.

Here’s the link:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.