Play time is Ruff

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, April 6, 2023
Puppies learning to play

More Puppy Pictures, Please!” I heard yesterday from three VERY excited families wanting to see their beautiful little puppies.

Also, a few of our Inner Circle email subscribers mentioned yesterday that they miss the cute puppy pictures I used to post on Facebook.

So… not without further ado… take a look at these beauties from the Dock of the Bay litter!!

All new pictures waiting to be devoured! Click on each puppy’s photo to view them.


I captured a video of puppy play time with the Mr. Rogers Litter puppies!

They are super cute!

Here’s the link:

If you didn’t know, this type of rough play is extremely important for puppies. They learn how to interact respectfully with their siblings using a certain restrained gentleness.

When a sister or brother cries out, puppies learn they have played a little too rough.

Without this essential play period for puppies, some puppies never learn to be gentle and soft with their play bites. They also do not learn to share or take turns.

That is why when you take a puppy away from its siblings too soon, it can stunt a puppy’s understanding of canine language.

Remember, puppies need to speak native canine fluently. If they don’t have the canine language solidified before they travel home to a human family, they will have a more difficult time learning human as a second language.

The earliest a puppy should ever be released to their new families would be seven weeks old. However, here in the Washington state, eight weeks is the required time period for allowing a puppy to leave its pack.

Some breeders do not allow their puppies to leave for their new homes until they are twelve weeks old. Their policy is put in place because of the important play and interaction puppies have in these most exciting weeks of growth.

FYI: our puppies leave for their new homes at 8 weeks old.

There is a lot more to learn about puppies and the best way to train them to understand us crazy, emotional humans.

While American Dirus dogs are the world’s first giant companion dog, they are still dogs from the genus: Canis.

Dogs aren’t born understanding the human language. We must teach them through a guided total immersion process.

The lessons are written out in a specific curriculum. It is meant to take you step-by-step through the entire teaching process.

But remember, this book is dense!

If you don’t want homework, better pass on this one.

If you don’t have time to do the work embedded inside this manual, best wait.

Handbook for New Puppy Owners is a large wealth of information. It is jam packed with the exact steps to take your puppy from no knowledge of human to a fully respectful fluent understanding.

Bridge the gap from canine to human with a book that took Lois Schwarz, Dire Wolf Project founder, years to write.

If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I wish my puppy came with an instruction manual.” this is it!

Don’t purchase a puppy without it.

Training classes cost $30 - $100 dollars an hour!

Retraining a dog that never learned human can cost thousands.

Start off on the right foot. Give your puppy the great gift of becoming fluent in human.

The information your puppy learns will remain with it for life.

You want all of your furry family members to get A’s on their report cards from momma Lois, don’t you? Then, this book shows you how to get there.

If you are ready to bring your human teacher skills to the next level, send $39.00 to Venmo or PayPal @direwolfdogs. Remember to place your address in the notes section and I will send one out to you right away.

PS: All proceeds go to Lois Schwarz. I do not make any money on the sale of this book.

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.