The BEST Black Friday deal on the Internet!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Nov. 24, 2023
Mary is one of our sweet dogs looking for her forever home.

For the next twelve hours only (6am to 6pm Pacific),

we are offering the BEST Black Friday deal on the Internet!

Prices are so low the savings will feel like finding a treasure at the end of a rainbow.

I am not sure we will ever have a deal like this again.

If you were privileged enough to open this email on Black Friday within the deadline, you can have the dog of your dreams for an outrageous price!


(Today only between 6am-6pm Pacific)

Here’s how to claim the deal:

  1. Reply to this email before the deadline to let me know which female interests you.
  2. Complete the puppy adoption questionnaire (if you haven’t done so already) before the deadline.
  3. You must be approved to be eligible.
  4. Limit: one dog per household.
  5. Transportation costs will be required. The next DireWolf Express trip is scheduled to leave December 4th. You can have your new dog home for Christmas!

Let’s get these girls home for the holidays!

Here’s the link:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.