The best dog we've ever had!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, May 24, 2023
Lady Elaine from Mr. Rogers litter

If you are new to our Inner Circle email newsletter, WELCOME!

It is great to have you with us.

This is a 5x/week (M-F) daily email where we keep you informed on everything going on at the Dire Wolf Project headquarters.

A few members had a good question about yesterday’s email after they clicked the link to view the Genius Litter page,

“Are you keeping all the puppies from the Genius litter?”

In case you were wondering the same thing, here’s my answer:

That’s just the default position on the website for newborns. I have my eye on a couple, but only if they turn out to be exceptional. Once I know more about the puppies after the temperament test this weekend, I will be able to officially place them for sale. At that time, I will also place their prices, as well.

The Mr. Roger’s Litter puppies are doing amazing in their new homes! I am thrilled to receive regular feedback from many of them. It warms my heart to know they are loved and growing so well.

A new American Dirus owner let us know how much they love their new puppy,
Toby, our Shih Tzu and Sif have become BFF's. Toby brings Sif toys, and they play with them together. He's really the perfect pup! Needless to say we are still head over heels in love with Sif, and he's the best dog either of us have ever had!”

FYI: Two remaining Mr. Roger’s Litter puppies are for sale OFF the waiting list.

These two girls are both very smart and love so deeply.

Here’s to the best dogs you may ever have!

Here is the link where you can read more about them:

Remember: If you want to begin the journey toward American Dirus ownership, the first step is to complete the puppy adoption questionnaire so that we can get to know you better.

Click the link below for the application:

And if you have been approved, placed your deposit, and are ready for a puppy, let us know.

You only have two more weeks reply to this email to tell us you wish to go active for the most current Genius Litter.

Here is the link to the official Dire Wolf Project waiting list:

One last thing: We post daily short videos on our YouTube channel. This week we have been featuring the Genius Litter. Here’s the link to our channel to view them:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.