The essence of a companion dog

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, June 4, 2024
Yogi am I a bear or a Direwolf.crop.jpg
Yogi, an American Dirus from the Roman Deities litter in 2018

Listen… if you just want the typical tail-chasing dog, you won’t find that here.

There is something different about the dogs at the Dire Wolf Project.

Something that many owners just can’t quite put into words, and non-owners don’t quite believe.

If you are fortunate to follow our advice and tap into this unique and special aspect of the American Dirus dog, you will never look at dogs in the same way again… and you won’t want any other breed.

That’s why American Dirus owners return for a second, third, or even fourth dog.

And Dublin is a perfect illustration of this special large breed family companion dog temperament that is unmatched by those more energetic, busy-minded working breeds.

As many of you know by now, Dublin is in service dog training to be our newest DireWolf Guardian.

And I couldn’t be more pleased by his devotion and attentiveness.

Ours is truly a connection that transcends understanding… even for me who has had the privilege of training many DireWolf Dogs over the last 20 years.

Dublin is the very definition of a calm and gentle American Dirus puppy.

Every morning, Dublin and I walk through the aromatic Ponderosa forest at Dire Wolf Project headquarters.

His inquisitive spirit and unwavering attention are so heartwarming, making each walk a cherished adventure.

At the start of our walk, Dublin pads along beside me.

His head swivels up with a big puppy grin.

Then, his eyes lock onto mine boring into the depths of my soul.

It's as if he's saying, "I just love our walks together."

I know it sounds kinda crazy to be saying that about a dog, but it’s true.

There is something penetrating about his gaze.

Something deeper than just a happy dog going for a walk.

A bonded connection.

Then, off he goes to explore the next grassy clump and learn about the news from the night before, just like every other puppy on the planet.

Dublin has a particular fondness for bushes.

Not just passing by them, but diving right into the middle of them.

He wiggles his way through the foliage, surrounding himself with leaves and branches in a leafy embrace.

It's his way of experiencing the world, immersing himself in the natural textures and scents around him.

I can't help but laugh at his antics, his puppy curiosity making everything seem new and exciting.

As we walk, Dublin often plays little jokes on me - furthering our amazing connection.

True to his Labrador Retriever roots, he loves to use his mouth to explore and interact.

He'll grab my pants with a playful tug, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Then, he lets go and trots beside me, looking up with a broad smile that seems to say, "Gotcha!"

These small moments of playfulness make our bond even stronger.

Dublin's expressive bond with me is already amazing, even though we're still getting to know each other.

I can see the future potential in his eyes, envisioning the day he will be a Winged Wolf, certified as a PTSD service dog through DireWolf Guardians.

This little guy thrives on the consistency and rules of our routine.

When it's time to head back home, he takes the lead, knowing the exact path to follow.

He is so smart.

If I try to go left instead of right, Dublin stops, stands still, and whines slightly, his eyes imploring me to stick to the familiar route.

As soon as I correct my course, he turns and trots forward, content that I'm adhering to our established rules.

Back at his pen, Dublin walks right in after me, his good behavior shining through.

He sits at the gate, watching me as I walk away, his eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and affection.

Once I'm out of sight, he meanders over to the stainless steel water bucket to get a drink, ready to relax until our next adventure.

Dublin is more than just a puppy; he's a connected companion, a source of endless joy and laughter.

I am thrilled and excited for our future together, knowing that each day brings us closer and strengthens our bond.

With his playful spirit and attentive nature, Dublin is set to grow into a remarkable guardian, and I am honored to be part of his journey.

Dublin is only a second generation from the most recent crossbreed.

Imagine what FOUR GENERATIONS will be like!

You’ll find out soon enough because the

Monster Movie litter

is on its way.

We anticipate puppies will arrive on time right around June 7th.

There are currently FOUR active families, and I am looking at keeping TWO puppies.

If we have SIX or more puppies born, there is still room on the waiting list for you. (7 puppies is average)

If you are on our waiting list, you are now welcome to go active for this litter.

Simply reply to this email and let me know.

If you are NOT on our waiting list, you’ll need to apply, be approved, and place a $600 non-refundable deposit down in order to secure your place in line for a puppy from us.

Here is the link to get you started:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.