The puppies are moving out!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, April 16, 2024
Luck of the Irish Litter

There’s this funny thing about giant puppies…



Two days ago, I looked toward the living room from where I was typing and saw a tiny head peering down from the couch.

NOT from inside the whelping pen…


(NOTE: The whelping pen sits on the couch/bed in order to elevate it off the cold floor and make it easier to care for the puppies.)

One of the Luck of the Irish litter puppies realized he could now step over the small barrier at the entrance to the whelping pen.

He wanted to follow his mommy down to the annex.

Oh NO!

Don’t fall off the couch, little guy!

I rushed over and scooped up his warm furry body into my arms.

When I cuddled him, he kissed my face.

I placed him safely back into the den, but he turned right around.

I knew he was going to climb out again as soon as my back was turned.

Now that the puppies are four weeks old, they are much more aware of the broader world around them.

I had to fasten the taller metal gate at the pen’s entrance.

Unfortunately, Dreamer is required to jump over it now, but at least the puppies aren’t going to escape.

The latest puppy caper was a wake-up call, though.

It’s time for puppies to transition to a larger space.

And we just happen to have a spot in one of the cedar cabins that is perfect for puppies.

Instead of a 4’x4’ whelping pen space, the cedar cabin has a 4’x10’ section, much larger.

But not too large that it becomes overwhelming or intimidating for little ones that haven’t experienced the outside before.

Remember, even 4 week old wolf pups would not venture too far away from the den at this age.

The nights are just a bit too cold for puppies to stay out overnight, though.

So we will bring them in at dusk before the temps drop.

When we carried them out yesterday for the first time, the puppies didn’t like the barking dogs in the nearby cabins.

But once Dreamer sat with them, they started feeding and forgot all about their woes.

Now that the puppies are in their larger space, I will help them learn all about walking off the wobble board, which is the first step to learning how to navigate stairs.

The puppies will also experience a tunnel for added fun.

I will continue exploring loud noises with the pups.

Maybe we’ll try out city sounds next.

Lots of fun learning will be happening in the next few weeks.

Three of the five Luck of the Irish litter puppies have found their homes.

Dublin will remain with us.

Clover will stay in Washington state, a few hours away from us.

Patrick will go to live in Kentucky.

At this time, Lucky Charms and Delaney are available OFF THE WAITING LIST for any approved family.

The cutest puppy photos have somehow found their way onto our website.

Check them out here:

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P.S. If you are interested in our chunky male pup, Lucky Charms, or our giant female, Delaney, AND you have been approved, reply to this email and we’ll talk.

If you have not yet been approved, start here:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.