TWO DAYS after he arrived, he did something incredible.

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Jan. 24, 2024

What an amazing breed we have!

I just love these sensitive, loving, intelligent dogs.

Do you remember when I shared the incredible story about Shiloh’s (fka: Monstro) trip to the veterinarian last week?

Well, he is now transitioning with his new family.

TWO DAYS after he arrived, he did something incredible.

Of course he has moments where he is unsure and needs time to process his new life in a bustling town, but THIS is why our dog breed shines bright as a diamond.

If you have the ability to see into the depths to their very soul, our calm, gentle companion dogs will impact your life like few other creatures can.

Here is the story used with permission from his new owner:

"I must have turned to fast and slipped on the wet grass and fell down to my knees. To complicate matters there was nothing close by where I could pull myself up with and I was wearing one of those long fleece t-shirt (it comes to my ankles) and I was to far from the fence. While I was on my hands and knees (never mind what I was saying under my breath), Shiloh came right next to me and laid down so he could see my face, then he half way got up placing himself so I could reach his shoulder, once he felt my hand on his shoulder he stood up. He actually helped me to get up. This he did on his own with no training and this is only going on our second full day of being together."

This is only one example of the amazing things our dogs are capable of.

As one owner reminds me of frequently, “Of course there are other dogs capable of this level of empathy and selflessness, but this is the first time an entire breed has been created to capture it.” (paraphrased)

Each dog is an individual, that’s a given.

But… something incredible happens when a dog can calmly think, process, and empathize with a human.

Some say we have further domesticated the dog with our work here at the Dire Wolf Project.

I am not sure, but our dogs sure have an uncanny desire to connect deeply with us human beings.

Remember that the beautiful golden-haired Elatha is still looking for her forever home.

You can find out more about her here:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.