What happens when meat sludge is cooked into kibble

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, March 18, 2024
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Nuvet Labs for your pet's health protection

It doesn’t matter which kibble brand you choose,

all of them need extra supplementation.

This is because in order to make the kibble, manufacturers must cook the meat sludge at such high temperatures to eliminate pathogens that lurk in the ingredients they use.

This process doesn’t just block pathogens,

but it also cooks out much of the nutrients.

In order to increase the nutrient content required to meet regulations, kibble moving down the the conveyor belt is then sprayed with artificial vitamins and minerals.

High quality kibble meets the nutrient requirements for dogs, but the protein content may be deceiving. You do want to feed your dog a good protein ratio, but kibble manufacturers, especially no grain kibble, bolster their protein content with legumes instead of meat.

So if you feed kibble (any of them) to your pooch, make sure to supplement it.

An important additive, which is also convenient to feed, is freeze-dried organ meats. (like liver, hearts, lungs, etc)

I use Stewarts Freeze-dried beef or chicken liver, but there are lots of choices out there on the market today.

I purchase the 21 oz. version and mix it into a entire bag of kibble when I pour the kibble into a separate container.

You don’t want to overfeed this rich, nutrient-dense food, so use it wisely.

Here are the benefits of supplementing kibble with organs.

  1. Rich in Essential Nutrients: Organ meats, such as liver, heart, kidney, and spleen, are rich sources of essential nutrients, including vitamins (such as vitamin A, B vitamins, and vitamin D), minerals (such as iron, zinc, and selenium), and amino acids (the building blocks of protein).
  2. High-Quality Protein: Organ meats provide high-quality protein that is easily digestible and contains all the essential amino acids required for optimal canine health. Protein is essential for muscle development, immune function, and overall growth and maintenance.
  3. Natural Source of Vitamins and Minerals: Organ meats are dense sources of vitamins and minerals that are vital for various bodily functions. For example, liver is particularly rich in vitamin A, which supports vision, immune function, and skin health, while heart meat contains high levels of iron, which is essential for oxygen transport in the blood.
  4. Promotes Digestive Health: Organ meats contain natural enzymes and compounds that can support digestive health and function. They can help enhance nutrient absorption, aid in digestion, and contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.
  5. Variety in Nutrient Profile: Including a variety of organ meats in a dog's diet ensures a diverse nutrient profile, providing a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients that may be lacking in muscle meat alone.
  6. Palatability: Many dogs enjoy the taste and texture of organ meats, making them a palatable addition to their diet. Adding organ meats to meals can encourage picky eaters to consume their food more eagerly.

Along with organ meats, you can also increase nutrition by adding vitamins and minerals from “real” food, not relying on the artificial sprayed on version kibble manufacturers use.

I have used Nupro in the past with great results. The dogs like it as a warm gravy.

However, NuVet Labs has now endorsed the Dire Wolf Project with their all-natural, no preservatives vitamin supplementation. Unlike Nupro, you can get them in a chewable wafer or a power form.

We are proud NuVet Labs has recognized the great work we do at the Dire Wolf Project.

We only share endorsements with companies who have proven their commitment to promoting nature’s bounty, instead of using synthetic formulas.

So, in the spirit of sharing this bounty of good-fortune with you, here’s a link to getting your dog’s nutrition perfected.

Use order code: 114525 to let them know you heard about NuVet Labs from the Dire Wolf Project.


Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.