Where Is Jennifer?

By Jay Stoeckl, Chief Assistant to the Assistant, Assistant Breeder, Sept. 13, 2023
Max the rescue

Good morning Insiders! Those of you who read yesterday’s email know that I had mentioned Jennifer going on an exclusive rescue mission.

Have you ever heard of a breeder driving all the way to New England just to retrieve a single dog in need? That’s what Jennifer is doing right now. I’m not going to go into the details as she’ll have a chance to really catch you up when she’s back next week.

In short, a man from back east had never raised or trained a puppy before. He is also a war veteran. He had purchased his puppy from Oregon just a year ago and was essentially not ready for the commitment. A sincere man with a big heart, he reached out to Jennifer calling for our help.

Jennifer is currently bringing his dog across the Midwest and should be arriving home by Friday. I admire my wife tremendously as she did not have to take on another person’s dilemma. But that is how she is. And the client is eternally grateful.

She will fill you in on more details later on. For now, at least, she has with her Vlad, a dog in training. As I went to bed regalling her with tales of snuggling up with Albretta and Yeti, Jennifer was snuggling up with Vlad.

Vlad appears to be amazing. He has been the perfect traveler, companion, and protector for her solitary excursion.

I will leave you with nothing more than that, for now. Again, more details about her trip will come sometime next week when Jenn is back at the helm.

Jay Stoeckl, Director of Ops and Dispatch