A distant, shrieking howl pierces the night

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, June 24, 2024
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Monsters on the edge

The full moon casts long shadows through the dense forest.

Shrouded leaves flicker in the wind, whispering secrets across the bows.

Cold air bites at your skin.

In the distance, a shrieking howl pierces the night.

Your flashlight dims, revealing yellow eyes at the edge of the darkness.

Your skin prickles.

The scent of damp earth and decay fills your nostrils.

You stumble over a root as you attempt to retreat.

Your pounding heart grows louder with each frightened step.

A low growl rumbles nearby, vibrating through your bones.

A creature steps into the moonlight, fur bristling, teeth gleaming.

You catch your breath.

In front of you stands the most magnificent beast you have ever seen…

a giant dire wolf.

You want to run, but you know it will be futile.

Instead, you remain as still as the dead.

The canine’s silver fur glows a florescent white as it raises its nose to the wind.

It sniffs the air, then approaches on silent paws.

You close your eyes, awaiting your fate.

Then, you feel something wet on your skin.

With hesitation, you look down.

A large black nose nudges your hand.

Trembling, you extend your fingers, feeling the warmth of its fur.

In a surprising move, the dire wolf sits back, head tilted, as its tongue rolls out in a toothy grin.

It’s not a dire wolf at all, but a lamb in wolf’s clothing™…

the American Dirus dog!

Today, June 24th at 10:00 am Pacific, I will be interviewed by Barnaby Jones, host of the “Monsters on the Edge” podcast!

He is going to ask me questions about the real dire wolf and if there is any possibility they still live in our forests.

He is also interested in our genetics work at the Dire Wolf Project.

It’s bound to be a blast.

Listen and comment live on any podcast app.

You might have to search for the Untold Radio Network and then look for Monsters on the Edge.


This week we present the second formal temperament test for the Monster Movie Litter (Cookie Monster/Jesse).


Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.