Your questions ANSWERED about the waiting list!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Feb. 3, 2025
Licorice - dark black - snow - 6 months old
Licorice from the Harvest litter

Of course, I couldn’t get away with having NO questions about the new waiting list policy.

You are all too smart!

So, just in case you also had the same thoughts, here are a few “inquiring minds wanna know” questions along with my replies.

(Names have been removed for privacy.)

Good morning, Jennifer!

As always, we super appreciate you keeping us informed with clear and fair guidelines :) if you'd like to go ahead and put us as waiting on the side, that's fine.

I hate to say it, but we're waiting for our unfriendly dog to pass. She's 11 now, and she's been a wonderful dog and personality, and I've been following your breed progress journey for years and truly feel an American Dirus would be a fantastic fit for our family. But we simply do not want to knowingly endanger a family member, furry or not. But you are correct, we wanted to jump in to reserve a spot because it looked like the wait list was at least a couple of years long!

Moving forward, do you have a suggested timeframe to put deposits in to secure a spot? I do see the 2 year max limit, but I guess what I'm asking is -- do you recommend planning a year ahead of time moving forward? 6 months? I just want to make sure our family is doing what's best for both us and yours if and when we ever decide to look in to a second go around :)

All the best,

Thanks for checking up on our new waiting list policies and letting us know your specific questions about the process. I'm super excited about the new changes. I think everyone's going to be happy once they see how much more visual and moveable the waiting list will be. 

Let's look at the situation from your particular case. 

You've already been officially approved, so no need to reapply or anything. 

Since you were approved before February 1, 2025, you are grandfathered in under the old rules. 

That means you are welcome to wait to place your deposit until you know that you are going to be searching for a new puppy in the next two years. 

Once you place your $600 non-refundable deposit to get on our waiting list, you'll have two full years from the date of your deposit to choose a puppy. 

Of course, you can choose a puppy anytime within that 2-year timeframe. 

So, when your older dog has lived its best life with your loving family, and after your hearts mend from the loss, shoot me (or Jody) an email and let us know you are ready for the next steps.

We'll be happy to walk you through the best way forward for your family. 

We have your information down in our customer database, so we'll be prepared whenever you are. 

If you should change your address or phone in the meantime, simply give us a shout and we'll update our files. 

I hope that helps clarify the process for you. 

Give your older dog a kiss on the lips from me. ;) 

Have a great night.

I appreciate your response :) let me clarify, my apologies!

I meant after we have a new furry family member, if/when we decide to seek another puppy from you (so, when we're ready to go through the process for approval for a second American Dirus), at that point, when is the optimal time to start requesting approval and beginning the process of joining the waiting list again? Do you recommend us reaching out with the anticipation of an average waiting time of 1 year? 6 months? Or do we just apply with the anticipation of potentially being in the nearest round of puppies?

I hope that made more sense. Thank you for your patience!

Ah! That is a different question. Okay. Absolutely. Thank you for clarifying. 

When you purchase the first puppy, you MUST use your deposit.

But there is ONE exception to that rule. 

IF you would like to purchase another puppy within two years of the time you purchased the first puppy, You simply stay on the MAIN LIST and we'll change your waiting list date to the purchase date of your first puppy (so that a full two years is applied).

However, if you aren't sure of how long you want to wait for the second puppy, or you know it'll be longer than two years, then simply place a new deposit (no need to reapply) at the time you are ready for the second puppy. Then, your deposit date will automatically shift to the new deposit date for your second puppy, giving you a full two years to choose.

That way, you aren't sitting on the waiting list for years and years. You simply place a new deposit when the time comes and voila... the process repeats itself. (You'll then be under the new policy, though, so just make sure you are going to purchase a puppy within two years and you're good to go.)

I hope that helps explain the process moving forward. Thank you for the great question. 

Here’s another important question from a different subscriber.

Thanks Jennifer :) I guess my question was for those waiting on the side, when ready to go active are they at the bottom of the waiting list or do does your spot go back to where it was prior to moving to waiting on the side?

Great clarifying question. Yes. Your deposit date remains intact when placed back onto the Main Waiting List. Your two year countdown starts at the time you let us know you want to be placed onto the Main Waiting list, but your place in line remains based on your original deposit date. 

I hope that helps ease any confusion about the process of those Waiting on the Side. 



Here’s the link to our updated waiting list:

Again, if your name isn’t there and it should be, it’s because you have yet to contact us.

Don’t panic.

It’s all still okay.  

Simply reply to this email and let us know you still wish to remain on the public waiting list.

We’ll get your name back up once you contact us.

However, if you are NOT going to purchase a puppy from the Dire Wolf Project in the next two years, let us know that.

P.S. If you would like to be on our waiting list, the first step is to complete the puppy adoption questionnaire and become approved.


This week the puppies want to show you all the games they know how to play.


Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.