A Movin' and a Shakin'
By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, March 8, 2023
Many people have wondered about the pricing for the Mr. Rogers Litter. I analyzed everything regarding the puppies and their temperament scores/personalities last night. You can head on over to the litter page and check out those prices.
Here is the link to the Mr. Rogers litter page:
The waiting list is now closed for this litter.
I bolded the first starred name on the list. We are now ready to start the selection process for this litter! I can’t wait to find out where each puppy is going. SO EXCITING!
While I was at it, I went ahead and analyzed the prices for the Dock of the Bay litter. This litter will be closing tomorrow, so make sure you have been starred as active on the waiting list if you are interested in getting a puppy from this litter. Tomorrow at midnight, you will be out of luck.
Here is the link to the Dock of the Bay litter page:
The Miners Litter (Baluster/Opal) is doing well.
Even little Yellow Canary is holding her own. She’s sneaky and gets underneath the giant pups to feed on the lowest points of the milk bar that the bigger puppies neglect. So resourceful. I have a feeling she is going to be super smart and cunning. She is a traveler, too, so watch out for her energy level when she gets older.
Remember, these are the last litters for this spring season. After this, we will take a break from puppies until this fall. Don’t worry. We will be hard at work on other things that need to be done.
1. Finishing up the cabins,
2. Putting in the carports behind the cabins,
3. Working a new course where I will impart all of my knowledge of working with veterinary businesses
4. Finishing up Gabriel Paulson’s next mystery adventure book.
5. Continuing to produce great content for you.
So… If you want a puppy before the fall, better get moving.
Make sure you are prepared with your name on our waiting list and starred as active for these litters.
Otherwise, you’ll just have to wait.
The DireWolf Express will be returning to the station on Friday. It was a quick trip to the eastern seaboard and back. The next DireWolf Express trip will be leaving the station sometime late April, in order to be able to travel the puppies from these three litters to their new homes.
Remember, transportation costs are NOT included in the sale price of the puppy. Most people choose the DireWolf Express, but there are other options. We don’t want to presume you will have us travel your new puppy straight to your door. But we are happy to do so for a first-class ticket price experience of $580.
Now, for some exciting news!
You might be thinking to yourself, “Puppies are great and all, but I really want to help an older dog live out its retirement in style.”
Well, you are in luck, my friend.
I just placed a slew of our older dogs up for sale.
You know I only keep the best in the breed, right? You understand that, yes?
The best of the best is what I keep. I must in order to improve the breed toward our ultimate goal.
Well… some amazing dogs are now looking for their forever homes!
Truly outstanding.
I even had to hesitate a moment before I pushed the button to place them for sale on the website.
So, head on over to our “Adults for Sale” page and check out what incredible creatures await the good life.
CAUTION: DON’T skip the “READ THIS FIRST!” link.
Before you get excited, you need to fully understand the commitment you are making.
Adult dogs love their life here in the forests of eastern Washington state. They also love Jay and I. We are strong leaders and keep consistent boundaries. It is an easy life where they know what is right and wrong. They are highly bonded COMPANION dogs. It is only natural they have developed a highly-bonded companionship with us.
Moving away from where they have routine and structure into an unknown family in a house with completely different rules is like traveling to a foreign country where they don’t speak the language.
It is overwhelming at first.
If you take on this responsibility, you must agree to support that precious life and help it adjust.
If you can’t do that, do not even think about getting an adult.
But if you want to open up your home to a loving dog that seeks nothing more than to be a part of a family, then an adult dog might be for you.
Reply and let me know if any of the adults for sale might be right for you.
Last but not least… by the suggestion from a great friend, we are committed to bringing you DAILY short videos on our YouTube channel.
If you missed it, we have a new YouTube channel. Subscribe so you don’t miss any of the great videos we have in store for you.
Reading us ramble on about our daily updates 5x/week (M-F) is one thing, but it’s another thing entirely to SEE everything in action.
Here’s the link:
Okay. I think that catches you up on all the new things we’ve been up to.
As always, if you have questions, reply to this email. I am happy to help.
Until tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day!
Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.