Exciting News: A Pawsitive Change in Our Pack!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Oct. 5, 2023
Grace pup4

I hope this message finds you well. Following our discussion last week regarding the vital aspects of our breeding program, I've made a significant decision that I believe aligns with our shared vision for the American Dirus dog breed.

The choice I had to make revolved around two outstanding individuals:

Marie Curie and her sister, Grace Hopper.

Initially, I had selected Grace Hopper to remain in the Dire Wolf Project due to her broader head shape. This trait was particularly essential to me as we aim to preserve the impressive and robust appearance of the giant dire wolf, characterized by its broad, thick skull in proportion to its massive body.

However, there was a unique challenge with Grace – she exhibited furnishings (whiskers on the face), a trait we've been diligently working to eliminate from our breeding lines. Thankfully, Grace carries only one copy of the linkage gene, making it manageable. Nonetheless, several factors began to weigh on my mind.

In the wake of our recent discussion and our shared commitment to prioritize specific outward appearance traits, I reassessed the situation. It became clear to me that certain attributes might outweigh the broader head shape I initially favored in Grace.

Let's break down the pros and cons for both Marie and Grace:

Pros for keeping Grace:

  1. Sweet, gentle, and calm temperament.
  2. Exceptionally intelligent.
  3. Confidence without boldness.
  4. Broader and larger overall head shape compared to her body.
  5. Stockier body type.
  6. Thicker undercoat.
  7. Ears rose early.
  8. Straight coat.
  9. No feathering.

Pros for keeping Marie:

  1. Sweet, gentle, and calm temperament.
  2. Stays close to and checks in with humans.
  3. Extremely intelligent.
  4. Confidence without boldness.
  5. Ears rose early.
  6. Slanted eyes.
  7. Tallest in the litter.
  8. Longer than tall.
  9. Straight coat.
  10. No furnishings (whiskers on the face).
  11. No feathering.

As you can see, both Marie and Grace share wonderful temperaments that align with our breed's standards. They are both incredibly compliant, affectionate, sweet, and exhibit calm-mindedness, confidence without boldness, and gentleness.

Given this harmony in temperament, I decided to focus on the outward appearance attributes that matter most to our breed.

While Grace possesses a broader head shape, her furnishings presented a challenge.

In contrast, Marie has a narrower head shape, but her attributes, such as slanted eyes and a lack of furnishings, contribute positively to our breeding goals.

Marie is also taller, albeit somewhat lankier. This distinction allows us to maintain the overall extra-large size we cherish within the American Dirus breed.

In making this decision, I am confident that we are progressing in the right direction and staying true to our commitment to refining our breed. Our dedication to the betterment of the American Dirus dog remains unwavering, and I look forward to sharing further updates as we continue this exciting journey together.

That means that Grace Hopper is now up for sale, and we will retain Marie Curie for future breeding.

Here is the link to find out more about Grace Hopper… an exceptional puppy in both temperament and beauty.


Thank you for your ongoing support and passion for our beloved breed.

P.S. The DireWolf Express is scheduled to leave again at the end of this month. We won’t be scheduling another run until sometime in February 2024, so if you are on the fence about getting a dog or puppy from us and want to have it delivered directly to you, don’t delay. Contact me right away by replying to this message.