Future Litters REVEAL!
By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Oct. 2, 2023
The day you’ve been waiting for has arrived!
You’ll be glad you read THIS email because…
I am going to break down the seven BRAND NEW upcoming litters for you.
I don’t know exactly WHEN they will happen since nature has its own way about things, but some of these litters are in the works now for this winter season and some will have to wait until next spring.
I don’t know exactly IF they will happen since it depends on if the dogs like one another and the matings work out as planned, but I will place the dogs together when the time comes and pray.
The first thing I had to do was gather together all of the DNA, known health issues, and temperament testing materials.
I kept the breed’s ideals in the forefront, always being mindful of our founder, Lois Schwarz’s, original intentions to breed better than the parents.
Then, armed with stacks of information, I looked at EACH match one-by-one.
It took me just under a week of diligently pouring over the data for several hours a day to make these seven final decisions.
But I know you’ll be excited.
One thing you’ll be very interested to know is that Stanley (Boss/Shenanigan) has been kept away from certain lines for so long that breeding now to several females allows us to significantly lower the overall inbreeding coefficient, which is important for breed-wide genetic healthfulness as we move farther into the generations.
Another important thing to note is that we are now solidly breeding 4th and 5th generation litters with fairly uniform health and temperament. Most of our dogs will be per standard in both areas, unless otherwise noted… the one exception being the new Opal Line from the Lab/Shepherd mix.
Without further ado…
Here are the future litters planned for the next six to eight months at Dire Wolf Project headquarters.
- Stanley X Clementine
This is the highly anticipated “Celestial Beings” litter. We should see some excellent temperaments with impeccable wolfish looks. All of Stanley’s litters produce at least 50% black wolf coats. We love to see that increase in the breed. This litter will have it all except giant size! (NOTE: Clementine was in heat a few weeks ago. We had her in with Stanley, so we are waiting to see if the breeding took. We’ll know more in another month’s time.) - Stanley X Jengu
Jengu’s sweet, loving, gentle temperament (just like her mother, Mary) coupled with Stanley’s good looks and princely charm should be a winning combination! (NOTE: Jengu was in heat a few weeks ago. We had her in with Stanley, so we are waiting to see if the breeding took. We’ll know more in another month’s time.) - Stanley X Syrenka
Jengu’s full sister, Syrenka, doesn’t quiet have the size, but she sure has a beautiful build with firmly erect ears and a lovely short, straight tail. Along with her gentle spirit to match Stanley’s suave debonair personality, we anticipate some fantastic puppies! (NOTE: Syrenka was in heat a few weeks ago. We had her in with Stanley, so we are waiting to see if the breeding took. We’ll know more in another month’s time.) - Stanley X Galena
This boy really gets around, doesn’t he? ;) The best thing about this match is how very diverse the genetics are in the pedigrees being only a second generation litter, but how much this match may have a very wolfish appearance… and the odds of black wolves with yellow eyes is 75%! Oooh! - Lock X Maggie
Lock’s turn! Any match with this boy will be for next spring, as he’s not quite ready yet. But… this match will bring us more wolf masks!! Maggie will help the ears rise, too. Not to mention 50% black wolf coats. Plus, both have excellent temperaments. This is a higher inbred litter, done ON PURPOSE to breed out any hypothyroidism lurking in the line. There is a potential for increased hypothyroidism in this line while we work to eliminate the issue. Definitely one to watch. We’ll be discussing more about this process in future emails, so stay tuned for all of that. - Lock X Albreta
This is another wonderful match! Albreta is an excellent mother with a fabulous temperament, just like Lock. The ears may be weak to rise in this litter, but there will be 50% black wolf coats in this litter. The best thing about these puppies will be temperament… spot on with loving, gentle, sensitive, and intuitive souls. Again, this litter is a higher inbred litter, done ON PURPOSE for the same reason as above. We will likely breed a pup from this litter that is clear of hypothyroidism back to a pup from litter #5, for another INCREASE in inbreeding. Don’t get out your pitchforks yet, though. Trial mating (Going Through the Looking Glass) is worth every inbred increase in order to cleanse the lines of further health issues. We’ll bring you through the process with us, so stay tuned for much more information on that as we move forward. - Count (Vlad) X Jesse
Vlad is just about the BEST dog on the planet. And when I say that, I mean… THE BEST. Vlad is 100% perfect in every way. He has it all… health, conformation, giant size, temperament, and drop dead gorgeous looks. If he had a wolf mask… BAM! We’d be in business. I wish every dog in our kennel could be just like Vlad. Breeding Vlad with Jesse will give us giant squishes with big ol’ hearts, erect ears, and bright yellow eyes. I really hope this litter happens. Jesse is in heat now and Vlad is wooing her as I type. She doesn’t really like him (she likes Cookie), so we’ll see. If they don’t breed, I won’t move her in with anyone else. So, it’s this or wait until next time.
I only have litter names for the Celestial Beings litter, so if you have a fun theme and a bunch of girl/boy names you think we would like… shoot them our way. Maybe we’ll feature them on our site! Reply to this email with any ideas.
Also, I will have these litters up on the website this week sometime with a TON more information for you, including more specifics. I will let you know here over email when they go up.
Here’s a link to the “Meet Our Dogs” page, so you can see pictures of all the dogs above:
Don’t forget today’s MONDAY, so head on over to our YouTube channel for the latest video. This week, you’ll get to take a walk in the woods with me and the dogs. FUN!
Thanks for being here. Let’s spend a little more time together tomorrow. See you there!
Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.