NEW genetic disease found in our breed!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, June 17, 2024
Clover - 6 weeks old - sitting on ground
Clover at 6 weeks

So, the Luck of the Irish litter puppies’ DNA tests have started analysis in the lab.

Clover’s and Patrick’s have already been returned.

And a BOMBSHELL came out of nowhere!

As you know, we DNA test each and every dog bred into the program, including the crossbred dogs.

Well, apparently, Embark DNA testing identified a new genetic disease in May 2024 through and the recent Lab/Shepherd crossbred American Dirus dog carries it!

The newly identified disease is called “Copper Toxicosis”.

Affected dogs have difficulty excreting excess copper from their liver, which allows copper to build up until the liver eventually begins failing.

Copper Toxicosis is inherited as an incomplete dominant.

That means ONE COPY of the gene can affect a dog, but not all dogs who carry the gene are affected.

Read that line again.

Go on, I’ll wait…


QUESTION: If my dog carries the gene, will it have difficulty processing copper in its liver?

Literally, I don’t know.

It isn’t certain because not all dogs with the gene are affected.

So far, we know Clover and Patrick have one copy of the copper toxicosis gene (ATP7A).

That means Chisel definitely carries one copy of the copper toxicosis gene.

Which in turn means that his mother, Opal, definitely carries one copy of the copper toxicosis gene.

Dogs with only one copy are LESS LIKELY to show symptoms of the disease.

All of the other dogs in the Lab/Shepherd crossbred line were DNA tested, but the test was performed PRIOR TO Embark’s identification of this gene.

Until we know more, Clover’s and Patrick’s families (and any family with the Lab/Shepherd crossbreed) should refrain from feeding foods or supplements that have any significant amount of copper in them.

I am going to be working with Embark to see if they can update the DNA of those dogs from the Lab/Shepherd crossbred line, including Opal, but it might take some time.

I am not sure how quickly they can do the work on that.

But I will let everyone know when it comes in.


QUESTION: Do any of the other lines carry this disease?

No. Not that we know of. This disease is prominent in Labrador Retrievers and Doberman Pinschers. At this time, we have no reason to believe it lingers in other lines within the American Dirus dog or American Alsatian dog lines.

If you would like to peruse the DNA tests from hundreds of DireWolf Dogs through the years, here’s the link to our DNA Health Database:

P.S. If you want to know A LOT more about searching out low copper dog foods, check out this link by WholeDog Journal:

Monster Movie litter UPDATES

We have now updated the puppy photos and temperament testing notes for the Monster Movie litter.

Here’s the link for you:

Happy Movie Monday!

This week, I reveal which puppy I chose to remain in the breed.

Click to watch the video:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.