Our puppies make it look so easy!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Dec. 27, 2023
Elatha - 3 weeks old - head


I am not just saying that because I am biased.

I mean… I am biased, but that’s only because I understand why our American Dirus dogs are so unique.

We really do have something special.

Were you one of our Inner Circle members who saw our latest 3-week-old puppy video this Monday?

If you were, you might have said to yourself… what’s so special about those tests? Nothing really happened. Don’t ALL 3-week-old puppies react as well?



As a matter of fact…

No, they don’t!

As it happens, most puppies don’t perform those tests like that.

Here is a YouTube video of a 3-week-old male Pomeranian puppy, WHO HAS HAD HUMAN INTERACTION SINCE BIRTH, and he doesn’t perform nearly as well.


He wiggles/moves constantly, actively tries to get away, as well as stiffens his head when pet. The breeder mentions that they deliberately do NOT turn the pup upside down or hold him out in front away from the person because it would be too overwhelming for the puppy.

Here’s another video of 3-week-old Labrador Retriever puppies.


Notice any difference in their vocalization and energy level?

Even in our own breed, we can see more puppy diversity on the 3-week-old  temperament tests.

In order to truly appreciate the incredible nature of our American Dirus puppies, it is first important to note that, up until this second temperament test, our puppies have NEVER experienced any real human interaction. Apart from the minor cleaning chores when we switch out the blanket once a day, their entire world is their siblings and mom in a small safe enclosure. They can’t see or hear for the first 2.5 weeks of their life.

Therefore, this second standardized temperament test is how we are able to experience the subtle INHERITED temperament traits each individual puppy has that is unique to them.

We use this early testing data to make real decisions on which puppies have the personality genetics to pass on a calm, gentle, intelligent, emotionally sensitive, sweet-natured, submissive, easy-going temperament to future generations.


The entire Giants Litter did phenomenal!

Only one puppy, Anak (green), showed any resistance to any part of the test.

He showed a slightly independent and less confident side.

This will now be corrected through daily experience with early neurological puppy training.

But even with his subtle differences on the test, Anak would have performed better than all those other puppies above.

If you missed Monday’s video, here is the link to see how easy-going and relaxed our gentle giants truly are, even on the very first time being touched or held by a human.


Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.