Puppy Moving Day and a BIG SURPRISE!!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Jan. 1, 2024
Goliath - 3 weeks old - head

Cheers to a year where every day is a tiny celebration of life!

Including little puppy lives.

This weekend the Giants Litter puppies moved to their new den in the nursery. It’s propane heated and provides much more room for baby dogs to learn about the bigger world all around them.

Today, the puppies are 4-weeks-old!

That means the waiting list is now CLOSED for this litter.


We are now going down the active waiting list in deposit order.

How exciting!

What a happy way to begin the new year.

I will bold your name on the waiting list and email you personally when it is your turn to choose your puppy.

If that wasn’t exciting enough…

You are in for a real treat.

I have thought about this a really long time.

I didn’t want to do it.

I even tried to TALK MYSELF OUT OF IT!

But I have to face the facts.

And that means… YOU are going to REAP ALL THE BENEFITS!

In a surprise turn of events, ALL of the Giants Litter puppies are now FOR SALE.



Dun… dun… dun!

The two BEST males: Goliath and Orion!!

I know. I know. *shaking my head in disbelief

I can’t believe it myself.

The ONLY reason… and I mean THE ONLY REASON… these males are going up for sale is because they both have feathering.

What’s feathering?” you ask?

It’s long wispy hairs between the toes and behind the legs and ears.

A silly cosmetic feature… UH!

I wish it wasn’t so.

But I simply can’t breed it back into the lines now that we have gotten rid of it in our breeding dogs.

What’s wrong with feathering?” you might wonder.

It requires brushing… every day… to keep mats from forming.

Stickers and sticky weeds will stick to it. (Get the sticky hint?)

Balls of snow will form in between the pads of the feet and on the back of the legs.

Grooming requirements will be increased. (To cut out the long fluffy hair between the feet… and maybe trim the back of the front legs)


If you don’t mind brushing the long crowning locks behind the ears, trimming in between the pads of the feet, brushing out stickers in the summer, and melting clumps of snow off in the winter…

then these two boys are the best of the best.

It pains me. It really does.

Orion even has the WOLF MASK!!!!

Ugh! My heart hurts even just typing that last sentence.

So… my loss is your gain!

They are going to be fluffy, cute, snuggly, love bugs.

Grab up these GIANT puppies quick because they will be amazing.

I have put my heart and soul into these little ones.

Now, get ready for the cutest little sweethearts on a very lucky New Year’s Day for a few amazing families.

Here’s the link to today’s video featuring…

The Giants Litter puppies on MOVING DAY:
