Snuggling up to a Yeti

By Jay Stoeckl, Chief Assistant to the Assistant, Assistant Breeder, Sept. 11, 2023
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I have never seen a more serene, quiet puppy in all the years we’ve been breeding.

Yesterday morning I got out of bed to see how our Yeti is faring. Mama Albreta has gotten up and is nuzzling my feet. Time to go outside.

On this morning our sweet little girl is especially hungry. She is two weeks old now and her eyes are open. I find her curled into her heartbeat puppy. I scoop her up inside the palm of my hand as that is how small she really is.

Yeti has gotten accustomed to this strange new thing called humans. At first, she was a little shy at the new feel and scent of me. But now as I gently hold her, she is very familiar with what is coming.—breakfast, snuggles, and lots of pettings!

Yeti requires extra feeding, because Albreta’s milk bar is already running dry. Too few hungry mouths to keep the supply up.

With puppy in hand, I put about a cup of goat’s milk into a small skillet to warm on a low fire. I take out a can of chopped Pedigree dog food and mush a few scoops on a paper plate. Then I pour the warm milk over the top.

Yeti LOVES this.

She sticks her entire body onto the middle of the plate as if her fur will absorb as much of the food are her ravenous mouth allows. She sucks in the mushy concoction.

When I feel her tummy turning into a balloon, I decide when she’s had enough. I call in Mamadog to cap off what remains. Albreta not only licks up the leftovers, but proceeds to clean up Yeti in the process.

We usually never handle puppies so young. But Yeti requires no temperment test. She’s not for sale. And she has no companions to snuggle up to. So after Albreta grooms her to her normal white sheen, I scoop her up again and take her back to the bedroom.

Sitting back on the bed, I allow tiny little Yeti to curl up into the crook of my arm. Feeling a bit left out, Albreta looks at me with longing in her amber eyes. I have a natural knack for compassion, I invite her up to lie next to me.

Little Yeti likes the warmth as the mornings have been cool. With a right hand I fondle her fluffy fur from head to tail. With Albreta snuggling in on the bed, I use my left hand giving her equal attention.

Mama and baby. Loves and snuggles. The only thing missing is my morning coffee.

Yeti never utters a sound. She is the quietest, most serene puppy to my memory. She moves with the loving touch, but is soon into a deep sleep.

From outside, our orange tabby, Hobbes, scratches on the window. He wants to join the act. I deny him access… for now. There is such a thing as too many animals all at once.

Jennifer is traveling cross-country this week on a rescue mission. We’re all missing her at Dire Wolf Headquarters. Jennifer and I have become very accustomed to having each other to share in the care and feeding of our wonderful animals.

Once Yeti has been returned to her whelping space, I go out to walk and feed the puppies. Seeing the pure white coats of Hedy, Gracie, and Marie, I have an idea how Yeti will look when she reaches that age.

They are wonderful. All of them. They follow me out to the wooded place where I sit on a park bench. Each has their turn for pettings. Their love for me is unsurpassible. They each want very much to have the top half of their body across my lap. They cannot get enough.

No matter where I am in this maddening world, they remind me that there will always be love in the world so long as there are puppies!

Three females still remain available from the Genius Litter.

Currently, they are for sale at our normal prices. $2500 - $3800.


When Jennifer returns from this trip, she will train these intelligent girls. Our intent is for them to eventually receive full companion dog certification from DireWolf Guardians and be ready to enter the family life.

Make no mistake, a fully trained family companion dog for just under $10,000 is quite a bargain… but if you want to save the money and do the training yourself, now is the time to let us know. These prices will not remain this low for very much longer.

Here is the link to find out more about them:

Jay Stoeckl, Head Snugglemeister