
By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Aug. 28, 2023
Yeti a singleton pup born from Albreta

The Surprise

In a quiet corner of a forest home, a tale of unexpected beginnings and unwavering love unfolded this weekend. Albreta, our silver wolf gray female, had grown round with life, her belly burgeoning with the promise of a new litter.

Everything seemed perfect. Albreta's health remained positive. She was eating extra portions with gusto. Her demeanor changed to one of a more serious nature. No longer the teenager, but an expectant mother-to-be.

But life has a way of surprising us, even in the most delicate moments.

A few weeks ago, Albreta's belly, once swollen with life, began to deflate. Fear set in as her appetite waned, and it became clear that something had changed. Yet, Albreta's spirit remained unbroken – she was chipper, energetic, and full of happiness. It was as if she knew that her path had swerved, yet her resilience shone through.

The signs seemed unmistakable to me, though.

Throughout these sixteen years, I have been through countless births and a few just like this one.

A spontaneous dog abortion seemed to be the unexpected turn - a mysterious event causing the puppies to be absorbed by Albreta's body. A profound loss, but a miraculous one in its own way, as Albreta's body automatically adapted to the change. Just like that, the once-promising litter seemed gone, and my heartache echoed through the quiet moments.

I chose to remain silent because I didn’t want to give up hope.

Days passed, and the due date loomed closer.

Albreta, though her belly was no longer as round, still possessed a wealth of milk, ready for her puppies to appear.

Finally, the day arrived and hope was rekindled. A day past the due date, Albreta's demeanor changed. Her eyes dilated, staring at me with an intensity that gripped my soul. Her look held a silent plea telling me it was time.

With tenderness and renewed anticipation, I prepared her whelping space for the long-awaited moment. Albreta now rested in her cozy den, where soft blankets beckoned and a human companion lay by her side. The bond between us deepened, as words of comfort and gentle touches eased her tension.

Then, it happened – a profound mystery of life.

Albreta's breathing ceased momentarily, and with a powerful push, the first puppy entered the world.

A white, plump bundle of sweetness.

Albreta wasted no time in tending to her new creation.

Yeti, White Mountain Checkpoint, had arrived, a symbol of strength and perseverance.

As hours passed, and then a day, it became evident Yeti was to be a singleton - the only puppy to survive a mysterious medical event. Because of that, this puppy is special… unique… unusual.

Quite an unexpected gift from the heavens.

A lone traveler on this journey of life, she will require extra care and attention. She will need to learn the ways of her canine heritage through the guidance of her human companions, her adopted siblings in a world of dogs.

With each passing day, Yeti will be nurtured, taught, and cherished. She will learn the delicate balance of sharing, the art of canine play, and the gentleness of a bite. Her growth and progress will be documented for anyone who aspires to understand the journey of raising a single puppy who is fluent in canine culture.

And so, as Yeti’s tale continues, there is hope – hope for a future filled with joy, companionship, and a deep understanding of what it means to be a well-adjusted member of the canine species. For in the end, it is those around us who shape us. Yeti's story is one that will forever remind us of the power of resilience, the beauty of unexpected beginnings, and the journey of growth that binds us all.

Yeti’s journey will be archived on our YouTube channel.

If you want to see how different it is to raise a singleton puppy, you’ll want to head over to our channel and subscribe.

Also, you can view my notes about Yeti on her webpage:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.