Then, the unthinkable occurred..

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Aug. 30, 2023
high content black wolf hybrid.jpg
high content black wolf hybrid

Prepare yourself for a story that will grip your heart and challenge your convictions.

I recently learned of an incident that unfolded in Michigan, echoing the painful reality faced by those who tread the treacherous path of wolf-dog ownership.

In the heart of Michigan, a couple dedicated their lives to providing a haven for wolf dogs. These enigmatic creatures, born from the union of wild wolves and domestic canines, inhabit a realm between two worlds. Their unique identity, a blend of instincts and domestication, is both a marvel and a tragedy.

Then, the unthinkable occurred.

Two of these wolf dogs, teetering on the edge of the wild, attacked a two-year-old child, leaving her forever changed. The child's arm, once a symbol of her innocence, was stolen by the jaws of these conflicted creatures.

The wolf dogs, in a tragic twist, had to be euthanized—

a gut-wrenching decision stemming from an equally gut-wrenching event.

As if the loss of innocent life wasn't enough, the sanctuary owners saw their life's work crumble before them. Two days ago, the court decided their ability to house and care for these animals, once a calling and a commitment, now lay shattered.

Due to the negligence of allowing an infant near the unpredictable wolf dogs,

they can no longer house any animals of any kind.

The most disturbing part?

This incident mirrors a horrifying statistic.

95% of pet wolves and wolf dogs

are euthanized

before they reach two years of age.

Can we even comprehend the agony of these creatures, brought into a world of confusion and chaos, only to be discarded when their instincts inevitably collide with our human desires?

And yet, with this damning knowledge in hand, wolf dog breeders continue to bring these conflicted puppies into the world. They know the statistics, the harsh reality, and the innate suffering of these hybrids, yet they press forward, indifferent to the consequences.

The truth is, wolf dogs live in a realm of perpetual conflict. Neither fully wild nor completely domesticated, they inhabit a body that betrays their identity. They are trapped in a perpetual limbo, unable to decipher where they belong in this world.

But my friend, amidst this bleak landscape, there is a glimmer of hope—

the Dire Wolf Project.

This project stands alone as the ONLY wolf-look-alike breed that is 100% domesticated dog and 0% wolf. Every American Dirus dog bred into this program is backed by DNA testing.

Hundreds of dogs have been tested, ensuring that the legacy of the dire wolf lives on without the confusion and conflict that plagues wolf dogs.

The Dire Wolf Project has embarked on a mission to challenge wolf dog breeders and educate potential owners. Our best friends deserve better than a life of torment and anguish. It's time to rewrite the narrative, to embrace a breed that carries the wolf's mystique without subjecting innocent lives to its torment.

Let us be the advocates for those who cannot speak.

The Dire Wolf Project stands as a testament to our capacity for compassion and understanding.

The road ahead may be long, but every step brings us closer to a world where innocence is preserved, and the howl of the wolf remains untamed yet embraced.

Along with our Dire Wolf Project YouTube channel, we have created a secondary YouTube channel dedicated solely to educating others about the wolf dog.

Subscribe and share this very important message so that we can save innocent lives.

Here’s the link:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.