Why do we have leftover puppies?

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, May 26, 2023

Yesterday, I received a follow-up question to our previous email.

I wanted to share my answer with you in case you have been wondering the same thing.


Why have Lady Elaine and Maggie not found homes?  Just curious…


Good question. 

My speculative answer lies in a few factors:

  1. They are females. Typically, females are chosen less often. 
  2. They are golden in color. Our ideal is a dire wolf look-a-like and golden wolves are not the look many think of when they think of a wolf. 
  3. Maggie is "busy". She is super smart and loving, but her desire to do and be a part of everything going on is not what a lot of our fanbase are looking for. Since we advertise a calm dog, when we get a dog that is active in her mind, that deters some folks. 
  4. They both have furnishings... so whiskers on their muzzle. This also detracts from the dire wolf look most will attribute to a wild ideal. 
  5. We have had a drop off this year in the overall interest in our dogs. We suspect this is due to inflation and the need to hold money back for more essential items. 
  6. They are getting older now. Most people want that 8-week-old puppy. 15 weeks is pushing it. 

These two girls are exceptional, however. So smart and loving... especially Maggie. She would probably make an excellent therapy dog because she is so bubbly and interested in everything.

Lady Elaine is more independent and easy-going than Maggie, but just as sweet. She needs a home that will allow her to be herself and not push her to do things she isn't interested in doing... within reason and not accounting for general manners, which all dogs need to understand. 

I hope that gives you a good idea of my thinking on the reasons behind why these two girls remain with us for now.  

Here is a picture of Maggie playing in the puppy playground this morning during our walk. She always comes to check on me, no matter what the other puppies are doing.

Here is a link to the puppy playground video I featured on the Dire Wolf Project YouTube channel yesterday. Lady Elaine came over for snuggles. So cute!


So, even though they are a little older, both of these two sweethearts would love to find their forever home.  

Here is the link where you can read more about them:


And one final thought:

Here is a picture of Willow (Essex/Meriwether) at 7 months old (or thereabouts). She shows the exact same coloring and build as both Magge and Lady Elaine.

Remember: If you want to begin the journey toward American Dirus ownership, the first step is to complete the puppy adoption questionnaire so that we can get to know you better.

Click the link below for the application:


And if you have been approved, placed your deposit, and are ready for a puppy, let us know.

You only have one more week to reply to this email to tell us you wish to go active for the most current Genius Litter.

Here is the link to the official Dire Wolf Project waiting list:
