A Large Bag of Bones

By Jay Stoeckl, Chief Assistant to the Assistant, Assistant Breeder, Sept. 15, 2023
Marie pup2
Marie Genius litter

Right around noon, Jennifer finally pulled up the drive. With the crate arrangements in the back, she could no longer utilize the cot. She could also no longer utilize Vlad as a sleeping buddy. She had slept across the front seats the past three nights.

After returning Vlad to his pen, she took Max over to the training yard. It is the only place empty of other dogs and we’ll be having to introduce him to the others with kid gloves. So Max gets the Penthouse Suite due to overbooking at the Vallecito Grand.

Jenn is a bag of bones. She had little patience with the tasks ahead and booked herself into her own bed and has been there ever since. I check in on her every so often to see if she’s still alive. She assures me she is… for now, at least.

I am the same way when I’ve returned from a Puppy Express trip. It is a very tiring endeavor. But having two dogs, she couldn’t even treat herself to a hotel for a clean bed and a shower. I thought about placing her outside in one of the kennels. I doubt she would have known anything different.

Jenn will be sharing with you the details of her trip including that training breakthrough she made with Max on their journey home. Monday’s email is sure to be a winner!

After my busy day with the camp move list, I told little Yeti it was time to put on her fluffy white PJs (her favorite), brush her pearly white teeth (they’re just coming in), and I would tell her a bed story about how the little puppies escape the evil orange tabby cat. She and Albreta Mom are nestled into their own bed, each of them deciding who’s turn it is tonight to dream bark the loudest.

A few of you asked me to share with you the solution to yesterday’s riddle:

The farmer has a boat to cross a river with his three new purchases. He can only carry on item across each time. But he cannot leave the goose with the fox or the goose with the beans. So…

First he crosses the river with the goose and drops off the goose. He crosses back alone. Then he crosses over with the fox. He takes the goose back with him to get the beans. He crosses with the beans, then returns to get the goose.

And Jennifer was able to get Max into the car using the crate.

Tomorrow will be another busy day as Max will begin his training, Vlad will continue his training, and… oh, yeah, we have puppies to train!

If you have friends or family who are thinking about purchasing one of our dogs soon, let them know of the options we are putting together. The white wolf triplets and silver-sable sister are going up in price once their training goes into full board. It’s an experiment, really. We believe there are people out there who would truly love to have one of our dogs if only they came fully trained.

Here’s their opportunity!

Gladys, Marie, Hedy, and Maggie are still on the market if you would like to see them. They are among the most charming puppies I have known. And they’re beautiful. If any of these girls were offered to me as my forever heart dog, I would be happy with any of them. The attribute that stands out is how affectionate and loving they are to me. And it’s a joy to walk them.

Make no mistake, a fully trained family companion dog for just under $10,000 is quite a bargain… but if you want to save the money and do the training yourself, now is the time to let us know. These prices will not remain this low for very much longer.

Here is the link to find out more about them:


Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.