Max's Heartwarming Return
By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Sept. 18, 2023
I hope this message finds you and your furry companions in good health and high spirits.
Today, I want to emphasize the critical importance of correct balanced mark and reward training for our beloved American Dirus dogs within the Dire Wolf Project.
It's not uncommon for new owners, especially those with limited dog training experience, to mistakenly believe their puppies will eventually grow out of goofy, unruly puppy behaviors as they mature into adulthood. However, this is a false assumption.
Puppies do not naturally outgrow their puppy behaviors.
…and here's why:
Puppies are like foreign exchange students in our human world. They come into our homes with their own set of instincts, behaviors, and communication styles developed in the canine world.
If we allow them to continue practicing these canine cultural habits in our human world, they will remain confused well into adulthood. This confusion often manifests in behaviors such as biting, frustrated whining, nipping, jumping, pushing, or bumping into humans excessively.
While these actions may be normal ways for dogs to signal a desire for affection and attention in their world, they are considered unruly, ill-mannered, and rude in our human culture.
As you know, I recently returned from an extensive eight-day-long cross-country trip to retrieve Max, a rescue dog desperately in need of retraining.
Before Max met me, he believed humans were incapable of proper communication.
He literally thought all of human-kind were deaf and dumb.
He assumed us hairless ones were incapable of hearing a dog's cries for attention and support.
It took Max several days to realize he could communicate with me in a more civilized manner, and that I would understand him.
This breakthrough moment was one of the most splendid experiences I have ever had with a dog.
In tomorrow's email, I will share the entire heartwarming story of that special glorious moment when Max finally realized that at least one human is indeed capable of hearing and understanding him.
But first, I want to introduce you to Max.
Head on over to our YouTube channel and take a gander at this beautiful silver boy and experience the incredible story of our journey home.
I have great hope that Max will continue to learn our strange human ways and embrace the opportunity to become the remarkable dog that I am certain he is inside.
His journey is a testament to the power of balanced mark and reward training, and it underscores the significance of providing our Dire Wolf Project dogs with the guidance and support they need to thrive in our human world.
Thank you for your dedication to our incredible breed, and please stay tuned for Max's inspiring transformation story in tomorrow's email.
Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.