Now that's what I'm talking about... a well-trained dog means freedom for all!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, June 23, 2023
Miss Cindy Sue.jpg
The beautiful Miss Cindy Sue relaxing at home in front of the fireplace,

Lois rejected her because she was too “busy” to lend her genes to a calm companion dog.

She went to a loving home where she had the opportunity to find out if she could perform as an assistance dog.

Both Lois and I questioned whether this distracted female from my kennels would ever be able to focus enough to make it as a service dog.

It was almost as if this dog… with her sweet, loving preoccupied personality… had doggie A.D.D.

If humans can have it, why can’t dogs? Right?

Well, this American Dirus dog has shocked us all!

Yesterday, Cindy Sue (Skipper/Anastasia) officially passed both the public access and the task test required to become the newest DireWolf Guardian assistance dog!

We are so pleased!

THIS is what happens with a consistent, structured training routine emphasizing communication, trust, and bonding.

Insisting on following clear rules and boundaries in a way that allows the dog to choose what is right and good, benefits us all.

This dog has earned the freedom she deserves to have in her life.

Because of her adherence to preset rules and boundaries, this dog has given her owner the freedom she deserves to have in her life, too.

Now, her owner can consistently rely on Cindy Sue to help her rise from a chair and walk independently about the house and town without stumbling.

Now that Cindy Sue can successfully follow society’s rules and boundaries, she will also give others around town the freedom to walk about without fear of an unruly dog bothering their peace.

Dogs need to fully understand clear rules and how to follow them.

When they understand, they can make a choice for what is good.

Without an understanding (confusion or lack of knowledge), they don’t even know there is a choice to make.

Just as I mentioned in yesterday’s email, you give your dog a GIFT when you provide your tail-wagging friend with the knowledge it needs to make the right choices in life.

Dogs can’t speak, so you must teach them in a way they will understand.

They aren’t born understanding human.

But, with consistency, specificity, clarity, and routine that amazing fluffy puppy potential (even if they have a busy mind, like Cindy Sue’s) can become an amazing gift to the world.

We look forward to many wonderful stories of Cindy Sue’s adventures.

DireWolf Guardians™ is the training branch of the Dire Wolf Project.

There are three areas of training in which an American Dirus dog can certify as a DireWolf Guardian and earn the prestigious “Winged Wolf” award: assistance dog, therapy dog, and companion dog.

Each section has its own structure.

Learn more about how the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus dog training program works below:

And here is a review of all the wonderful benefits of becoming a DireWolf Guardian and earning the Winged Wolf award:

If you are ready for a puppy of your own, click the link to see the ones we have for sale:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.