You ask and we deliver!

By Jennifer Stoeckl, MAT - Dire Wolf Project CEO, Aug. 23, 2023
Hedy pup1
Hedy from the Genuis litter

Over the past month, Jay and I have been discussing an exciting expansion to the Dire Wolf Project. It’s always been there in the background, but not quite defined with the particulars.

It took our dog training friend, Woody, to push us to develop it enough to share it with you.

You see, we think we have found a way to make lives better for both our dogs and their new families.

One of the greatest difficulties with taking on a new puppy or adult, even if it is a sweet, calm companion dog, is the amount of time and money required to train it.

A one week board and train can put you out $2000!

2 weeks - $4000!

If you want a professional dog trainer to take your dog and train it for you, you’re looking at $250/hour.

Professional dog training classes, where you train your dog in a class with other dogs, can cost $200/hour - plus a $100 behavior assessment fee.

(Petsmart charges $165 for six week classes, but you get what you pay for.)

Training the puppy/dog yourself, if you don’t make any crucial mistakes, can take months of constant work.

Well, what if we told you we were going to completely eliminate all of that from your plate?

Instead, we take on the hours each day for months to train your new puppy/dog.

We make sure your loving companion is:

  1. potty trained
  2. crate trained
  3. knows how to be alone without fussing
  4. walks on a loose leash
  5. fluent in all the basic commands (sit, down, come, up, easy, wait, and stay)
  6. socialized to strangers and strange dogs
  7. knows both “what to do” and “what not to do” in the home
  8. respectful at doors, no rushing out
  9. able to keep all four on the floor (no jumping)
  10. highly knowledgeable of the English language

Instead of doing all of the family companion dog training on your own, why not let the professionals train your dog for you?

Sharing videos of the training process all along the way?

We will even spend a few hours with you to transition your new puppy/dog when it arrives.

Then, when your new puppy or adult settles in, you will only have the minimal responsibility to keep up what your dog already knows.

Now, how much would you be willing to pay if the sweetest family companion dog on the planet came to you already fluent in human?

The price range for our calm and gentle companion dogs is $3500 - $4800.

Plus, the over 100 professional training hours we would provide for you could easily cost $20,000 at a dog training facility.

Without spending the countless training hours yourself, saving you months of your time… you could have a fully-trained and perfectly socialized American Dirus dog for under $10,000.

HALF the cost of what this service is actually worth!

We have four females slated to be the first of their kind to go through this program beginning THIS SATURDAY!

The three beautiful females we have remaining with us from the Genius Litter (Essex/Regina) and the smart, but slightly excitable female, Maggie from the Mr. Rogers Litter (Essex/Meriwether) will start us off.

We will be producing regular training video updates of the progress on our YouTube channel.

It’ll be a good idea to subscribe if you are at all interested in the girls going from non-human speakers to fully fluent in human.

At the same time, we will be creating a comprehensive video course called

“Canine Culture Shock”

and accompanying training book (same title) along the way.

The course won’t be immediately available.

(We have to develop it from the footage we take training these girls this fall.)

“Canine Culture Shock”, the course and accompanying book, will come out later as a separate option for those of you who want to train on your own.

As if that wasn’t enough…

each fully-trained American Dirus dog will receive the prestigious Winged Wolf award and be counted among the many certified DireWolf Guardians.

Exciting, right?!

I can’t wait to get started.

Find out more about the particulars at the link below:

Jennifer Stoeckl is the co-founder of the Dire Wolf Project, founder of the DireWolf Guardians American Dirus Dog Training Program, and owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito. She lives in the beautiful inland northwest among the Ponderosa pine forests with her pack of American Dirus dogs.