Find out what is happening at Dire Wolf Project headquarters!

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World's Most Expensive Dog!
Brace yourselves, dog lovers and deep-pocketed collectors of the bizarre.
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Will scientists resurrect dire wolves from the grave?
A shadow looms over the past… and perhaps, the future.
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dire wolf vs. gray wolf
The legendary dire wolf (Aenocyon dirus) and The modern gray wolf’s (Canis lupus) ancestors.
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The Remarkable Return of the DIRE WOLF!
Imagine a time when the world was untouched by modern hands
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We're about to howl a little louder!
For nearly 20 years, the Dire Wolf Project has been a well-kept secret,
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One Strike and You're Out!
The first applicant has officially tested our brand-new waiting list policy… and failed spectacularly. 🥳
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The Most Comprehensive Dog Breeding Website in the World!
When it comes to dog breeding websites, having 923 webpages is likely at the very top of the spectrum.
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A Howl in the Halls of Power
The moon hangs low over the rugged Washington wilderness
Patch - standing on mountain - one foot cocked - 6 months old
$10,000 PUPPY!
$10,000 PUPPY!
Licorice - dark black - snow - 6 months old
Your questions ANSWERED about the waiting list!
Of course, I couldn’t get away with having NO questions about the new waiting list policy.
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Waiting list policy changes begin TOMORROW!
When it comes to the Dire Wolf Project, there’s one thing we hold sacred: the future of the American Dirus breed.
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Three Important Changes to the Waiting List
Let’s have a little heart-to-heart about the current state of the Dire Wolf Project waiting list.
Everest - 4 months old - standing ears half up
24 Milestones in 2024
We have been busy bees in 2024!
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Military Dog Cemetery - A Tribute
Yes, I said that right. One hundred years!
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The Surprise "Cancer Fighters" Taking the Dog World by Storm!
Here’s a wild story for you.
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The Dire Wolf Project takes the Internet by storm!
The Dire Wolf Project went VIRAL! 🎉
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Could dire wolves be dogmen?
I’m still in a daze.
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A distant, shrieking howl pierces the night
The full moon casts long shadows through the dense forest.
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Monsters on the Edge
3… 2… 1… WE ARE GOING LIVE!!!
The puppy who grew into a WEREWOLF!
Lupin’s TikTok now has 4.5 MILLION LIKES!
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Dog sales have drastically declined
2020 saw a huge uptick in puppy sales as “Pandemic Puppies” were sold all over the world.
Where in the world are American Dirus dogs?
If you’ve ever wondered if American Dirus dogs live in your area, now you can find out!
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They're going to put us in the movies
LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! A DireWolf Dog might be in a NY feature film!
What a year it's been!
It was SO nice to receive a Christmas blessing from one of our long-time DireWolf Dog owners.
Nala's Fund Benevolent: a NEW way to support the Dire Wolf Project!
Litter after litter, new puppies are picked and traveled to their new homes,
2022 in Review
Have we accomplished anything in 2022? Find out in this article.
The Dire Wolf Project Splits from American Alsatian
In an unprecedented move, the founder's daughter, Jennifer Stoeckl, splits from the American Alsatian breed name.
Newly Updated Schwarz Dogs Website is Mobile Friendly!
The Schwarz Kennels has had an online presence since the Internet began to be used with individual businesses. Lois Schwarz learned how to perform the basics on website building and design and used several different free website hosting sites...
1st Email Sent to our Tribe HUGE Success!
The Dire Wolf Project recently shifted away from a sole presence on social media and the response has been amazing!
NEW Email Subscription Set Up is Complete!
The Dire Wolf Project's new email subscription service is complete and ready for service. We will send out an email update each week for our members.
Newly updated Dire Wolf Project website is a howling success!
The newly updated Dire Wolf Project website went live a week ago and already users have flocked to the site to find out more!
NPR Interview
A little while ago now, I was interviewed by NPR in Los Angeles about the Dire Wolf Project. It was right around the time that the second season of "Game of Thrones" came out. Well, the interview never aired...
Puppy Adoption Questionnaire Updates
Today, Dire Wolf Project, Inc. staff updated the Puppy Adoption Questionnaire to include several new questions.
The American Alsatian dog currently maintains 6 distinct haplotypes.
Genetic diversity is essential to maintain a small population such as the dogs bred within the Dire Wolf Project. With the aid of genetic analysis, we strive to retain as much genetic diversity as we can while still working toward breed uniformity.
Dire Wolf Project Breeder Proposes Two New Genetic Coat Color Hypotheses
The American Alsatian dog breeder, Jennifer Stoeckl, owner/operator of DireWolf Dogs of Vallecito, LLC and Dire Wolf Project, Inc co-founder, has developed two hypotheses of inheritance that we would like to formally present.
NEW Dire Wolf Project Website!
Last year in spring 2020, I received an unsolicited call on my phone. I don't usually pick up the phone when I do not know who it is, but this time I did. I was surprised to find out who it was on the other end!